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If I thought my nerves were bad before nothing compared to how bad they where as I was walking towards the hall with Hermione. I couldn't do this.

"Hermione." I whispered, "Hermione." I whispered again slightly louder.

She turned around and as her eyes met mine she looked worried, "You okay?"

I shook my head lightly "Mione, I can't....I can't do this."

"Oh honey." she gently stroke my arm, "Yes you can. I know you can. Come on well walk down together."

I nodded lightly and she gently grabbed my hand. "Before we go down I want to tell you something."

"Yeah of course anything" I said calming down slightly from her comfort. She was always good at making me feel better.

"Krum." I looked at her confused. "Krum. Victor Krum. He's my date." She said as her face fell into a light smile.


"Shhh keep your voice down no one else knows"

I pulled her into a tight hug, "I'm so happy for you."

"Right come one then" she pulled my arm down the stairs.

She flashed me one last smile as she walked off to Victor. She looked so happy.

"Hey love," I felt two arms wrap around me. I instantly knew who it was.

Fred Weasley.

He spun me around and placed a gentle kiss on my cheek. "You look beautiful."

"As do you Freddie."


As I saw her turn down the corner to walk down the stairs I was breath taken. She looked beautiful. She always looked beautiful of course but right now she looked as if she was glowing. She had on a dress that seemed to perfectly match the colour of my tie. I wish more than anything in this moment I can call her mine. Just look at her. Any guy would be lucky to have her. She could of gone with anyone she wanted and she chose me? I will never understand why but I'm happy. So happy.

I have the most beautiful girl inside and out as my date. Even if in her eyes were just going as friends, which I hope not since I've kind of confessed my feelings and think I've made it obvious I like her. But even if this is just as friends I have the best best friend ever.

"Oi! Fred!" George said nudging my side.


"Well are you gonna go over and get your girl or are you just gonna stare from afar all night?"

"Oh right yeah sorry" and with that I walked over to her.

"Hey love," I wrapped two gentle arm around her. I spun her around and placed a soft kiss on her cheek, " you look-wow- I mean uh you look beautiful"

"As you do Freddie" she says.

Freddie. I know loads of people call me that but it's always different when she does. It gives me a warm feeling in my stomach. She makes me weak. I'm ok with that though. As long as it's her.

I put me hand out for her to take "shall we?"

She gave me a soft laugh back. God I loved that laugh it never failed to put a smile on my face. "We shall."

Until the end of this | Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now