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A/N: I don't have this book so the speech will not be exact sorry in advance. I got my information from the movie scene.


Cora POV

I went to bed that night with a new sense of happiness in my stomach. I'd never felt this way before but I loved it so much. I never knew a hug could bring so much joy. Now I understood why people gave them so much.


The next morning I woke up and walked to the great hall for breakfast hoping to see the twins there. I felt so awkward walking up to sit with them after what happened between me and Fred last night. I walked over and sat next to George.

"Hey corrie, sleep alight?" I felt my whole body tense up as Fred spoke to me.

"Ummm...yeah it was good, you?"

"It was alright when I eventually fell asleep. George kept me up all night with new prank ideas."

"Typical," I responded resulting in a nudge in the side along with an annoyed look from George. I couldn't help but laugh at his annoyance.

Dumbledore announced that he had some important news to share at dinner. Everyone was confused the whole day trying to figure out what his big news was. No one was even close to what we were going to find out. Ideas of the school shutting down or you-know-who returning. I personally just thought it would be a new teacher or something probably for DADA cause they seem to change that every 5 seconds.

I had always played a bit of a big sister role for Ron and Ginny. I liked to check on them a lot and cared for them just like they were my siblings I wanted to keep them safe. Obviously, I want the twins safe too but for the most part, they can take care of themselves.

Before dinner, I went to check on them and see how they were doing. I found Ron sitting with Harry and Hermione, in the common room, discussing what likes to be something important.

"Hey guys what you up to," I said sitting down next to them.

"We're trying to think what the news Dumbledore has is" Ron responded.

"We've got nothing so far" Hermione continued "you got any ideas?"

"I don't know probably a new DADA teacher they seem to Change that every 5 seconds" this resulted in a few giggles from the golden trio. "Anyway if your all good I'm off to go check on Ginny, any of you know where she is?"

"I think I saw her heading to the library" Harry responded.

I thanked them and went to find Ginny.

"Harry told me I'd find you here," I said as I approached her. She was looking through books.

"Really?" She said slightly surprised "did he say anything else?"

Ginny had always had a crush on harry although I thought they would be adorable I wasn't sure if Harry felt the same way.

Although he could, I don't really speak to him much. Ginny always seemed so happy when Harry took notice of her and I prayed that one day she would either move on or they would get together. The last thing I wanted was for her to get heartbroken.

"No just said he saw you walking this way" I responded "anyway just came to check up on you"

She smiled at me and began to tell me about her first day and her lessons. Who was in her classes and what she thought of the teachers. We ended up walking to the great hall together where we parted ways.

Until the end of this | Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now