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Me and Fred walked together into the great hall. It was beautiful. At the back of the hall 3 Christmas tress stood tall. One noticeable larger than the other. all the tables had been moved and replaced with smaller circular ones dotted around randomly, allowing a large space for dancing. The ceiling wasn't it usual night sky scenery but was replaced by a beautiful snowy sky. Snow was always my favourite. It's was so rare yet so special. And I always had the most fun with the Weasley twins.

We stood around the main dance floor admiring the hall while waiting for the champions. Even though the night had nearly started I knew it was going to be my best night yet.

As the doors opened the champions walked in. I looked over at Fred who to my surprise was already looking down at me. When this happened the butterflies where back. Godrick he was the most beautiful man I had ever seen.

I saw Hermione walking in with Victor. She looked so happy. The look Ron was giving her when he found out made it all ten times better. I've never understood why he didn't just ask her himself at the start. He wanted to go with her and I could tell. But he decided to be a prick about it instead. I will never understand the Weasley their always so odd with their feeling but somehow always get the best people. I know Ron and Hermione will get together one day. Fred and George have a bet. 5 sickles. I'm never too sure on their bets. Usually there's. 50/50 chance of either twin winning. But in this case I know that Fred will win.

Harry on the other hand had a completely different expression. He looked absolutely terrified. His eyes met mine and I could see the fear in them. I smiled at him with a nod and he mirrored my actions.

As he was about to start the dance he looked as if he had no clue what he was doing. Knowing harry he probably didn't. Although he seemed to get on with the dance quite well. Soon people started joining the dance. Dumbledore and McGonagall. Neville and Ginny. Hagrid and Madame Maxime. And eventually the rest of the hall.

"Come on we're dancing." Fred said as he pulled my arm with him. I laughed as we walked over to the dance floor.

He placed his left hand gently on my waist and placed his right hand in my own. I put my right hand on his shoulder and we began to dance. Fred was surprisingly good at dancing. Admittedly, I'm not the best at dancing and Fred knew this. Though Thais didn't seem to bother him. He was muttering under his breathe the steps so I knew what to do.

As the night went on we danced to the music and chatted with our friends. George plucked up the courage to ask Angelina which I was glad about. He looked so happy and they seemed to genuinely be having a good time. Angelina had always given off the vibe she liked George. She often asked me about him. Usually stuff like what pranks he liked to do or his favourite colour. She would sometimes slip in a subtle 'oh is he seeing anyone?' or 'George ever mention any girls to you?'

As the dance slowly came the an end most of the songs played were slow dance ones. Fred turned to me "Love? Care to dance with me?"

I turned to meet his eyes. I couldn't help the smile that formed in my lips as I looked at him. "Of course Freddie."

Placing both his hands on my hips and my arms around his neck, we started swaying to the music.

I rested my head on his chest. I could hear his heart beating gently. I felt safe with Fred. A differ safe to the usual kind you would feel. A safe where even if I was to come in harm I wouldn't be hurt. I guess that sounds like usual safe but this was different.

"You know corrie," he said I lifted my head from his chest to look up at him. "I'm really glad you agreed to come with me-"

"Freddie I'm glad you asked" I smiled at him. I had cut him off but didn't know what else he could say.

"Hang on I'm not done I'm really glad you agreed but"

And there it was the thing I most feared. He didn't want to go with me. He probably just asked me out of pity. I should of known why would he ever like me.


As I said but I saw her expression drop. My heart broke. I hadn't whatever was going through he mind and I knew my words were the reason.

"cora no that's not what I meant" I began but she cut me off.

"Fred it's ok," she pulled away from me slightly. "I really appreciate you asking me. Thank you. I knew you didn't like me like that. It means a lot you brought me here though I really had a great time. I'll see you tmrw yeah?"


And it was true. It really was okay. I couldn't force him to like me. As much as I wanted him too. I was just glad to have him in my life. He was truly a great friend. I'm sure he would be an even greater boyfriend. That doesn't matter though. I had Fred as a best friend and even if he didn't want to date me. I knew he cared about me.

I began to walk away to the door when I felt someone grab my arm.

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