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I sat on the train with the twins. I could hear them discussing what their big welcome back prank would be. I wasn't registering any of it. Instead, I was glaring out the window at the beautiful scenery. I sat there next to George with Fred sitting across from me. I want to tell him how I felt so bad. I just don't know if I could deal with the feeling not being mutual. So here I was glaring out the window deciding whether or not I would finally confess my feelings.

"Cora?" someone said pulling me out of my daydream.

"huh?" I said whipping my head around to see where the sound had come from.

"Are you alright you've been staring out the window the whole ride?" I heard Fred's soft voice say "usually you'd be over the moon about our back-to-school pranks. Giving us all your rubbish ideas."

I laughed lightly at his last comment. He always liked to pick on me for my pranks choices. Although if I'm being honest, I wasn't the best at coming up with ideas they definitely wouldn't have been able to pull any of their pranks of without me. But I would never give Fred the satisfaction of admitting to having bad ideas.

"I do not have bad ideas," I said back confidently

"Sure" Fred responded unconvinced. He and George began to tell me all their 'amazing' ideas all the way until we got to the great hall and Dumbledore began to speak.

I could see someone waving their arms rapidly from the corner of my eye, as the sorting ceremony was taking place, I looked down the table to see Ron looking at me. Once he realised, he had my attention he tilts his head towards Fred. As I look over, I see Fred staring directly at me. As soon as we made eye contact, he shot his look away. I looked back over to Ron unaware of the fact my face was truing red. Ron winked at me before turning to talk to Harry. I just rolled my eyes and tried to act interested in the ceremony occasionally cheering when I hear someone get sorted to Gryffindor. Ron had always been convinced that I and Fred would end up together. He would always tease us about it. Saying stuff like 'come on lovebirds' or 'we all know you're going to get married one day. As much as I wished I would end up with him part of me knew that this would never happen.

After all, the first years had been sorted a huge feast appeared along with all the tables. It never failed to make me laugh seeing the first years of excitement to the amount of food appear in front of them. I and the twins immediately started loading food onto our plates. Even after the twins had filled their plates up, they continued to pill more on them. After I had finished my food and stayed and waited for the twins to finish occasionally reaching across the table to steal some food off Fred's plate. Even though he swats my hand away each time I continued to steal his food. Mainly because I loved the butterflies, I got each time he touched my hand. I could tell it was annoying him but not enough for him to get mad or stop me.

After dinner, we walked back to our common room where we were immediately bombarded with questions about the party, we throw every first night back. We all looked at each other as a wave of worry rushed our faces. We had completely forgotten that we had promised to throw one every year. It had completely slipped our minds over the summer.

In a flash of a moment, George had grabbed my hand pulling me up the stairs after Fred to their dorm where we immediately started panic planning our party. I was actually quite surprised as to how good our party was going to be considering we only had two hours to plan.

As the twins started setting up in the common room, I rushed up to my dorm to get ready. I went back down 10 minutes before the party to help set some of the last few bits.

I walked down and immediately started preparing drinks.

"Fred likes your outfit," George said hovering over my shoulder. I couldn't help the blush that cell on my cheeks as he laughed walking off.

I turned to look over at Fred to see him staring at me. And as if we were reliving the scene from the hall the second, we made eye contact he looked away and continued on with the last few bits.

Withing 20 minutes the party was in full swing everyone laughing and drinking. Although I was having fun, Georges words spun around my head filling me with confusion. Along with the fact that Fred was staring at me twice today. Id like to think it's because he's completely and utterly in love with me but deep down I knew that couldn't be the reason. So I was just left questioning why all of this had happened.

After I had walked over to get a drink, I was pulled by Hermione over to a circle where a few people were playing dare or drink. Pretty simple game you do the dare or you drink. Me Fred George Hermione Ginny Neville Ron and Harry all sat together playing the game. As the game progressed more people joined. I was having a great time until it was Fred's turn and Ron was giving the dare.

Until the end of this | Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now