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I couldn't let her walk away. I couldn't watch the girl is been in love with since I first met her walk away.

I don't even remember meeting her obviously. I was so young. The second I realised how I felt about her. I realised how long I felt it. When I was younger I was too young to feel such things. I don't think I realised it till the summer before our first year. I was running around looking for her and Ginny. She didn't seem to want me to play with them but I didn't care. I saw her hiding with Ginny. They were laughing and talking while simultaneously telling each other to be quite while keeping a lookout for me. When I saw how well she got along with my family. It made me happy. Of course back them it was just a little crush. Nothing I would ever act on. If had tons of them. From pretty girls I would see while out with family to girls I would see on the daily prophet. As we got older my feeling started to grow. I would always get nervous around her. I loved whenever we spent time together. Just us two. Alone. But I always found it so awkward. She didn't seem to want to be around me without George. That always upset me. She never seemed sad when it was just her and George. But I wasn't going to mess it up this time. Like I had in the past with girls. I didn't care messing them up cause Cora was always in my mind. I knew she was the girl for me. She was the only girl I wanted to be with. Seeing her tonight just confirmed it.

I ran after her and grabbed her arm gently.

"corrie that's no where near what I was going to say," she looked at me confused but nodded slightly allowing me to continue "come on come back to the dance floor and I'll explain." She took my hand and pulled me back allowing us to go back to how we were before I opens my stupid mouth.

"What I wanted to say is that. I can't keep this to myself anymore. I like you cora. And I have for a bloody long time. His I don't think u can even remember when it started. I remember the summer before our first year when I saw you hiding with Ginny. It gave me a warm feeling inside knowing how much my family loved you. I knew even back them you were the girl I wanted to be with. Back then I didn't realise how much you meant to me. But I like.  A lot."


The words that came out of Fred's mouth couldn't of been more perfect. He liked me. He really did. It was as if all my dreams had come true. I didn't respond I just stared at him. Trying to read his eyes to work out if this was a joke or not.

"Look I get it I'd you don't like me. Just please tell me. I just want you in my life and friends or as more" he said.

He went to say more but suddenly I got a random burst of confidence. I reached up and pulled him into a kiss. It was even better as the last two. Our kisses just kept getting better. Each time I thought it was the best kiss ever. And then we kiss again and everything is topped.

"Freddie. I like you too" he smiled the widest smile if ever seen.


"Yes" I said with a soft laugh "of course I do"

His smile grew even more. He kissed my lips quickly. Once. Then twice. Then again and again. Eventually I pulled him into a tight hug.

"Come on let's get some sleep."

I nodded in response. I didn't want to leave him. I finally had what I wanted. Fred Weasley liked me.

Once we got back to the Gryffindor common room Fred pulled me into a hug. This one was different. Like most of my night. He held on slightly tighter than usual. As I went to pull away he only pulled me in tighter.

"Don't leave me." Fred said softly.

I laughed at his sudden clinginess "don't worry Freddie I'm not going anywhere" I said in a reassuring voice as I at rocked his head "I'll be right in my dorm you'll see me in the morning"

I liked this side of Fred. I liked feeling important and like someone wanted and needed me around.

He clung on tighter "stay with me tonight. You can sleep on my dorm. The boys won't mind."

"Are you sure I don't want to intrude."

"Don't be stupid come on"

"Okay hang on I need to go and get changed."

"No you don't you can borrow mine."

He dragged me into his dorm. When we go their George was already asleep and the other boys where missing. Fred gave me clothes to change into. After I changed, Fred pulled me into the bed with him. He pulled me closer so my back was against his chest. He was stacking my back. I never felt more comfy.

"Thank you for tonight corrie I had a brilliant time"

I turned around to make him and he pushed may air behind my ear and stocked my cheek.

"Freddie I had a wonderful time too."

He smiled at him again. Merlin I loved that smile.

"Come with my to the burrow."


"New Years eve. Me and the rest of us are heading home tomorrow. To be there for New Years. Come with me. I want someone to kiss at midnight."

I laughed at him "yeah ok Freddie I'll come"

We stared into each other eyes for a moment longer before he pulled me into his chest and kissed my head.

"Good night."

"Night cora"

I fell asleep that night in Fred's arms replaying my most perfect night of my life.

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