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A/n: for the sake of the story I may have changed what some people wear to the ball



Today was the day if the Yule ball. My nerves were through the roof. Even though I wasn't quite sure what I was nervous of.

For the past week leading up to today Fred had been trying to find out about the colour of my dress but I wouldn't budge. But that didn't matter cause he would find out tonight.

"So love when do I get my tie?"

"Right before u start getting ready I'll bring it to your dorm"

I saw a smile appear on his face as he pulled me into a yacht embrace. "I'm really happy you said yes to going with me Corrie."

"I'm glad you asked."

That was a lie.

I wasn't glad. I was over the moon. That day he asked me was quite probably the best day of my life. Fred Weasley wanted to go with me. And I'm I was being honest I'm starting to think he may actually like like me and not just as a friend. Well I mean obviously we're more than friends we've been kissing and even went on what I guess could be described as a date last week at Hogsmeade. I really like Fred and I hope more than anything he likes me too. I want to be with him so much. To be able to call him mine and him to call me his. But that comes with time. And that's what we've got. Time. Alit of it at that. We have the rest of our lives. Even if we didn't work out how I hope I don't planning on leaving anytime soon. The Weasley's are like family to me and I intend to keep it that way until the day I die.

That day went by quickly and before I knew it I was being dragged up to my dorm with Hermione and Ginny to get ready. Hermione didn't seem to want to tell us who she was going with. Part of me had a feeling she didn't have a date. But then again she seemed to excited for this night. Merlin. Maybe someone like Malfoy has asked her. That would explain all the secrets. No Hermione despised all Slytherins she wouldn't do that.

I was sitting in front of the mirror doing some light makeup. I was never big on makeup so even though today was a special day I was still probably going to do the same thing maybe I'll add a bit of blush this time. As I was halfway through my mascara I suddenly remembered.

"Shit." I blurted out, "sorry guys I have to go and give Fred his tie I'll be back in a moment." They nodded as I ran out.


As Cora ran out of the room, her makeup half down her hair in a bun and pyjamas on, on her way to Fred. I couldn't help but notice she had never looked more happy. She looked as if she would explode form the excitement inside of her. Corrie was never a sad girl. But she was never overly happy. It warmed my heart to see her this excited. Ever since she and Fred started hanging out more. She almost looked as if she was glowing.

I thought their whole tie deal was the most adorable idea in the world. Although Fred definitely found it sweet that she was so determined to keep it a secret I could sense his annoyance at how long he had to wait. When we would sit at the table I would watch him talk to her trying to get an answer as just sat eating her face shaking her head with a smug smile on her lips. This annoyed him I could tell it did. All Fred wanted was to know the colour of the tie he would be wearing. Although I could sense his annoyance in these types of situations he never showed it. He would just simple take a deep breath look at her eyes place a stand of hair behind her ear and continue talking to her.


I knew my brother well. Growing up with him is grown to sense how he reacted to certain situations. He never hesitated to lose his temper or let someone know they where being an annoying bitch. But he never did this with Cora he just laughed it off. I could tell by the ways his eyes softened around her he would never hurt he. He looked at her as if she was everything. And they weren't even dating yet. He truly seems to care for her and I was happy. Cora has always played a bit of a big sister/best fiend role to me throughout my life. I never had many girl around growing up. Obviously I had mum but she was always so busy keeping the rest of the family in line that we barely had any girl time. But when ever Corrie came around. She would always make sure to spend half and hour chatting with me or playing. She made sure to include me when she would play games with my brother and I was truly grateful that she had someone who made her so happy. However she seems oblivious to how much Fred seemed to like which aggravated me. She was always like that though. Never believed she was good enough. So of course naturally coming from those feeling she felt no one would ever view has as more than a friend.


I turned around at the sound of a knock on the door and there she was. The beautiful girl in the world. Who I hoped or one day call mine. I wished she knew how beautiful she was. How stunning she looked right now without even trying. I couldn't help but laugh at her half down makeup.

"Hey love" I said smiling warmly at her as I continued to button up my shirt.

"Hey" she said back. I noticed the blush creeping up on her cheeks.

I walked over to her. I had my shirt on for the night but was still in my pyjama bottoms. To be honest I was glad she walked in when she did that way I can still surprise her with ten rest of my suit. She walked up to me and carefully placed a tie around my neck, gently doing it for me. It was the most simple the but to me it was the most caring thing someone had ever done. I looked down to see a beautiful maroon shade. Which I knew was her favourite colour down to the exacts shade.

"Corrie, thankyou. You'll look beautiful in your dress I know it"

"You'll look lovely too"

She pulled me down into an unexpected but much  appreciated quick kiss. Even though I didn't last as long and wasn't and passionate it was still enough to send butterflies spiralling through my body. Who knew someone could have such an effect on you. She left without another word. I couldn't wait to see her later. She looked beautiful no matter what she was wearing so I knew without a doubt she would look beautiful tonight.

"Mate your whipped" George says as he give me a patronising pay on the back.

"Shut up." I said waving him off.

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