Duel of The Forgotten Past

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"Character's speaking"

"Character's thought"


"Bjiuu speaking"

"Bjiuu thought"

"Summon speaking"

"Summon thought"

"Force Ghost Speaking"

Time Skip



Naruto stared at the grey marble gravestone with black lettering that bore a thousand sharp stabbing pains for him it said

Sarutobi Hiruzen

Naruto reached out and brushed the leaves that had fallen on top of the black marble stone. As he stared at it pain coursed through his being like a hot molten poison and as it coursed Naruto turned that pain and anger he had into power pure undisturbed power.

"Hello old man I know, I know Naruto where have you been,are you eating well and have you made any new friends since you've been gone and etc, etc; You know for an old man you sure do worry like a mother hen."

After a long almost defaning pause Naruto cleared his throat

"Anyway I know I'm not the old Naruto you remember. That's why I brought a friend with me her name is Ashoka. She's just like me headstrong and hard spoken"

back a few feet Ashoka looked at the Sith Emperor that was in pain she could feel it through the force no matter how he tried to hide it Naruto was hurt it was like he had a wound on him that would not heal and this gravestone was the main cause of it part of her wanted to destroy it to stop his pain and another part wanted to embrace the man to show him he wasn't alone

But she couldn't it was against her code the Jedi code but she felt the walls of that code crumbling more and more everyday like a old fortress in a summer storm the more she was around him the more the walls crumbled

hell she could still feel his lips on hers he was a burning desire that she could never have

As he pointed to the girl she jumped slightly drawing herself out of her mind and into the warring world as she walked up and looked at the statue and bowed a little

"Hello sir I'm Ashoka tano of the Jedi order it's a pleasure to meet you"

"See old man I haven't changed that much hahahaha i'm still making friends out of my enemies...somehow hahahahaha"

Naruto said as he gave a boisterous laugh that hide his pain before long his laugh died down as he looked at the headstone Ashoka shivered a little as the air suddenly grew colder

"I-I have done things that are, or would be bad in your eyes Jiji. but I've also done good things I'm helping a Galaxy stay whole, I'm going farther than anyone ever thought I would, heck maybe even you"

There was a pause as a breeze blew through the area it felt like a comforting wave Ashoka looked at the Sith Lord and silently walked closer to him something compulsive made her do it as he continued to talk to the stone

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