The Overdue Visit And The Seige Of The Heart And Mind

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"Character's speaking"

"Character's thought"


"Bjiuu speaking"

"Bjiuu thought"

"Summon speaking"

"Summon thought"

Time Skip


Play Gladiator Eliysum

Naruto sighed he was on the dirt road with the wheat fields again. why was he having these dreams he knew it wasn't the Kyuubi. so why was he having these dreams? as he walked forward against his own will he realized it was as if a force was pulling him no not a force but the force.

That same force made him stretch his hands out to touch the wheat that laid all across the plains. as he touched the golden plant he sighed as he did a wave no an ocean of calm just washed over him. was this it was this peace to never know war or hatred to never have hate or thoughts of revenge in your heart.

His heart thumped in his chest as he thought of it maybe this was it. maybe this was peace maybe this was the things all beings searched for both good and evil. As the sun beamed down on him and washed over him he sighed he wanted this.

This peace of both mind and body but also of spirit it was like giving into the force all over again. soon he would have it for both him his people so very very soon.

As he walked forward he came upon a large wooden hut. It had an old Japanese samurai castle look. but it had only what seemed to be a two-storied house as he walked into the house like a puppet on strings the force still pulling him.

When he walked in he looked around the house to see it very well furnished, with culture from different races of the galaxy it seemed.

As he walked deeper into the house he looked to see a picture of a large family. there were three different Togruta females and two other females. from what he could see but he could only see one of there faces and it was-.

"NARUTO!!" naruto launched upright to see Ashoka and Anakin and Obi wane and Captain Rex surrounding him. With Ashoka looking more concerned then all of them. he looked at them as he rubbed his eyes to rid the sleep.

And the memory of his dream or vision leaving him already it was always the same. Always whenever he woke up the dreams, visions or whatever they were. have always left him always. But it left a ghost of the peace inside of him the peace he and everyone craved for. it was always the ghost there though never the full sensation always a ghost.

"is there something wrong" Ashoka looked at him.

"you okay you seemed to be troubled in your sleep," asked Obi wane

Naruto nodded "I'm fine just a dream nothing more now what is it" he said as he sat up in his bed the velvet silk soft blankets covering everything below his waist he body showing off to the world along with his scars both of battle and of his hell when he was young

he slowly looked around his room never noticing how the occupants of his room were starting at his scars or how Ashoka gained a shocked looked and covered her mouth or how Captain Rex slowly looked at somewhere else in the room and smiled since it was the captains quarters it was the biggest room on the ship

He had his own sofa and even a TV and aquarium and his bed was a large queen sized mattress that as of right now everyone was crowding around and looking at him with worried eyes which he could deduce why they were well all of them except Ashoka her reason he couldn't tell

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