The Return To The Leaf And the Rise of the Shadow Army

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Need To Know

1.)I own nothing except the Oc's
2.)this will be a harem Fanfic and it will have lemons don't like it well there are plenty other Fanfics out there
3.) this is for Jutsu's Oiroke no Jutsu
4.)this is for when it is mind talking time "sup"
5.) if you don't like this story please don't be mean and tell me that
6.)this is for demon talking "kit"
Hay guys sorry I haven't been posting I've been as sick as a dog the past few days and it sucks alot but here you go something to hold you over until I can ethier post something or destroy this cold


"And so that's what happened I fought Dooku and took the city" said Naruto to his friend Ashoka Ashoka herself had her mouth open wide as she looked at the boy this boy had just gone toe to toe with a Sith Lord and came out as an even the only person she ever heard that did that was her master Anakin Skywalker and even he didn't do this much damage to the Sith Lord and nearly destroyed a city as Naruto looked at Ashoka he couldn't deny that she was beautiful hell if he could he'd date the girl but those stupid Jedi laws bind her and there was no way around it or they could date in secret like a certain senator and Jedi but to do that she'd have to be willing oh well food for another thought the main problem he faced now was the war so far he and his forces have been the shield for the republic until there forces were ready he had been taking heavy losses and heavy sacrifices Ashoka looked at Naruto and grimaced a little he had a sad and distraughtful look on his face and she didn't know why but she didn't want to see it again "Naruto are you okay" Narutos cool blue eyes met her lava orange he took a deep breath and sighed "no I'm not ever since I've entered this war I've become the shield for the republic until they got there strength and entered again but so far all I've gotten were heavy losses and heavy sacrifices and my reward a pat on the back some praise and then off to the next sector the next battle it was always another battle this war is becoming costly for my people if the republic doesn't enter soon I may have to bug out and retreat back to my empire and lick my wounds" Ashoka stared at him in disbelif if anything she didn't expect this from the boy she hadn't know him long but she knew enough to know he never gave up on anything as she looked at him she wanted to do or say anything to comfort him her saviour came in the form of Jedi master and Jedi knight Aalya Secura and Shaak ti "so you believe that the republic is only using you" Naruto didn't say a word and that was all the two jedi needed

"Naruto I know your afraid for your people I know you are untrusting of the republic due to the empire's and the republic's history but we are not using you that I swear" Naruto wanted to argue he wanted to but he nodded and held his tounge they just didn't understand any of them did they didn't know that the burden on his shoulders the wait that his name brought and they probably never would Naruto leaned up with some help from Ashoka "thank you master's I understand tell the Jedi council that the Sith empire shall be there sheild until they need can get back on there feet" Shaak ti and Aalya nodded as they left while Ashoka stayed "so your not going to quiet on the republic" she asked Naruto smiled "I never quite Ashoka that's something you should always know Ashoka smiled as she looked at the blonde sith how was he so strong how did he do it with all the pressure of his own empire and of the war how was he not cracking and plus he was Ashoka's age how was he not pulling his hair out in frustration it was truly weird as Naruto looked at the clock in his room he widened his eyes and looked at Ahsoka "Ahsoka what day is it" she took on a thoughtful look as she looked at him "the 8th of February I believe why" she asked as she looked at him and she saw he had his head down in with his hair bangs covering his eyes and he was mumbling something

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