The Palace of A King

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Need To know
1.)I own nothing except the Oc's
2.)this will be a harem Fanfic and it will have lemons don't like it well there are plenty other Fanfics out there
3.) this is for Jutsu's Oiroke no Jutsu
4.)this is for when it is mind talking time "sup"
5.) if you don't like this story please don't be mean and tell me that
6.)this is for demon talking "kit"

Ahsoka was not enjoying her second mission so far, given that it's helping get little 'Stinky' the Hutt back to Tatooine to his father Jabba so that the Republic can be able to use the Hutt trade routes in the Outer Rim. Sure she, Anakin and R2 were able to escape onto a Corellian G9 Rigger freighter that just so happened to be left behind on Teth and are on their way straight to Jabba's palace. Things are running smoothly but there is one itty bitty problem little 'Stinky' is starting to get sick.

'Looks like this hasn't been used in a while.' She thought as she was currently in the medical bay of the ship seeing it dusty and a bit out of date. The young padawan soon activated a switch that showed a hologram of a medical droid.

"Hey, Doctor Droid, can you hear me?" She asked

"Yeah. So, what seems to be the, uh, problem?" The hologram droid asked

"Great. Well I've got a sick Huttlet. You got a remedy?" Ahsoka said as scanners came out from the ceiling and started scanning the infant Hutt.

"Oh Yes I see. Well you must dispense one of these medical boosters into the infant's mouth. It should relieve the problem for the time being until given the proper treatment. If you have any problems, please call an actual doctor to assist you." The hologram droid said before it faded away. Ahsoka looked onto the side showing the medical boosters from a compartment and picked them up to inspect it with a grimace on her tanned face.

"I hope this works. Ok sweetums, I've got some 'yum-yum' for ya." She said as she picked up the infant, who was starting to get very fussy. The padawan tried getting the pill into its mouth but after some little forcefulness he took his medicine but not having little revenge with a very smelly burp making her groan in annoyance and hold her nose.

Once that was done, she made her way to her master with the Huttlet in tow but on her way over she can't help but think again on the Overlord. Just something about him is making her uneasy but in an oddly good way of sorts. It was driving her crazy. But she had to focus at the task at hand and that current task was fixing up the old spice raider since it hasn't had a good repair in who knows how long.

"So keeping him alive wasn't as easy as you hoped, was it Ahsoka?" Her master said with a tiny chuckle as he was high up fixing communications and other components.

"Master, if you've taught me one thing, it's that nothing is easy when you're around." She said with a knowing smile.

"True. So how's the Huttlet doing?" Anakin asked.

"Well it just broke just a bit ago so he'll live another day. So do you think Rex and Master Obi-Wan made it out okay?" The Togruta padawan asked.

"If I know my old master, he has things well in hand. Not only that but there is that Overlord with them so that could be a plus. Now help me. I want the primary systems fully repaired by the time we reach Tatooine." Her master said as he kept his focus on his current little project.

"If I remember correctly, you grew up on Tatooine right? So for you, this trip is like going home." Ahsoka said as she went over to the control panels and started fixing things up not noticing her master's far off look.

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