Reuniting With The Past And A Love Returned

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Character's speaking"

"Character's thought"


"Bjiuu speaking"

"Bjiuu thought"

"Summon speaking"

"Summon thought"

Time Skip



Naruto stared at Tsunade she had changed even with her special Genjutsu on he could see the age on her in the way she breathed and moved maybe it was his training of all those years ago or maybe it was his perciption from the constant battles he has fought across the galaxy who knows

As he looked around at his old teammates he had to suppress a sigh out of nostalgia in retrospect none had changed that much except for the flack jackets on them showing a increase in both power and rank

As he looked at them memories surfaced memories he had long wish were gone from his life memories that brought anger above all things an anger that he quickly surpessed but not before the Jedi noticed as naruto reigned in his anger and regained control he looked at the konoha nin behind his mask his sith eyes flared from his normal blue in a pulsating violently way

"i have come to seek the audience of one Sarutobi Hiruzen can i have his location please" asked the Sith Emperor

Tsunade Froze as the ninjas in the room looked away not trying to meet the individual in the eyes the news that he was about to get would be less then pleasent Tsunade sighed how this man and his companions didnt know the news that had at once spread through the ninja world like wild fire is unknow

but seeing as how they were all dressed and the weapons that they all had on them it would be safe to say that they werent from the ninja world maybe they were from the far north or the far west or maybe an isolated island nation yet to be discovered who knows but what she did know was that this news would hit hard depending on how the group knew her sensei

"im sorry that I have to be the one to tell you this but....but Sarutobi Hiruzen is dead" said the fifth Hokage as she looked at the strange man in front of her she heard the intake of breathe and saw how he was shaking as she thought the news would be a hard pill to swallow

now dont get naruto mixed up here he knew Sarutobi was Dead he was at the funeral he held the man when he was brought to the body after the invasion of sound and sand he cried at night when nobody saw him and he mourned and sat alone for day trying to cope with the old mans death looking back on it now that was a time Naruto was sure that he was tettering on the verge of insanity

but hearing those words again to feel the pain in his heart hit him made memories resurface memories that he had tried time and time again to get rid of but getting rid of memories was like war no matter how hard you pushed or fought the enemy was always there and maybe just maybe sometimes those enemies won

As He breathed deeply he felt hands on his shoulders he looked to his left and saw Ashoka smiling at him then he looked to his right and saw Anakin surprisingly giving him a look of condolences

Naruto nodded and looked back at Tsunade "if I may ask how did he die" he asked Tsunade Nodded as she leaned forward with her hands interlocked in front of her face

"It was several years ago really it was three Konoha had grown lax and overconfident we at that time believed that no one would ever or could ever match us in power...we-we were wrong"

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