A Place of Memories

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Need To know
1.)I own nothing except the Oc's
2.)this will be a harem Fanfic and it will have lemons don't like it well there are plenty other Fanfics out there
3.) this is for Jutsu's Oiroke no Jutsu
4.)this is for when it is mind talking time "sup"
5.) if you don't like this story please don't be mean and tell me that
6.)this is for demon talking "kit"

Play Gladiator the wheat

Naruto looked around to find himself in a field of wheat the sun was blazing on in the blue sky as lazy puffs of clouds rolled across it as if they were boats carrying passengers and the blue sky was a endless ocean normally he would ask questions of how he got here but now he strangely felt at peace he looked around and as he did his hand felt one of the golden wheat stalks he instantly brought him to a place of peace and calm in his mind all thoughts both good and bad left him all of a sudden as he walked he came upon a hut a large hut made of logs he opened the door and went in side as he did he heard giggling turned and looked to see a older Ashoka who was with four other women they all looked at him and smiled then Naruto blinked and then he awoke and found himself in Sith transport Naruto sighed he had been having the same dream for the past week he shook his head and got up and put on revans helmet and looked around he and his army were attacking the planet tasoko in the yamar system the system had been backing the separatist fully with oil and money his new friend and ally yoda grandmaster of the Jedi order wanted him to take republic help but he declined with the republic just now getting its forces back together they would need time to make the battle lines right now he and one thousand of his troopers and one thousand of his warriors and five hundred Hx-3 Tripod walkers were about to assault the world's main city it was protected by a green ray shield with ten sets of twelve groups of proton cannons and ten ion cannons he and his army was nearly there they were about an hour away Naruto sighed and wondered how his life had come to this for the past couple of days it's been skirmish after skirmish battle after battle with out a time or day of rest he shook his head he needed to Fox use no turning back now

In the city of hydora on the planet tasoka

Count Dooku was a patient man he could wait for hours on end for his quarry and never tire because he new sooner or later what he wanted would come to him and righ now what he wanted most was to meet this self proclaimed Sith emperor of the new Sith empire his forces had been having battles and skirmishes with the emperor's forces for some Time and after the mess on tattoine he thought he would need to confront this Sith but there layed the problem he didn't know where the Sith's home world or base of operations were but he knew that if he waited the Sith would come to him and low and behold he was right the Sith's forces and the Sith emperor were attacking the city he new that as soon as word got to the Sith about him being in the cities center the Sith would come so all he needed to do was wait right now the count was standing over a table with the governors of the city the yamar's the were tall blue skinned men with all orange eyes and black spikes for hair they had four legs they used to walk with right now his droid armies were making preparations for the siege of the city and it was going well the ion cannons would stop orbital troops from being brought in and the proton cannons would give the ground forces some trouble but the real thing count dooku was worried about was this sith emperor yes he wanted to meet the emperor but he was worried about how strong the emperor was if what his master had told him then the emperor could only be beaten by his master "hmmmm I hope I could switch him to our side" thought the count as he looked at the battlefield map again

The plain of hydora

Naruto and his men hopped out of the transport as hot mortar fire rained down on them and ion blasts rocked the transports comming and dropping off his army and leaving they were about 3000 feet from the city but it was like a mile to him and his men as he ordered the charge and as they did a hail of red blaster fire came straight at them from the city Naruto snarled as he deflected a blast from the city he needed to do something he could feel his men dropping like flies from the proton mortars and the hail of blaster bolts he activated his comm "admiral Stephen come in" he roared as the comm flared to life "this is admiral Stephen my Lord we have appeared above the planet and are fighting the separatist fleet right now reinforcements are comming my Lord" Naruto nodded "that's all well and good but we need a orbital strike on the city right now there hammering us hard" he said as he deflected another bolt "we will see what we can do my Lord but you must hold on the separatist fleet is fighting hard and orbital strike times are limited but we can help you now by taking out some of the ion cannons and send you reinforcements" Naruto nodded "do it man we reinforcements now" he said then he turned to his fighting army his warriors were deflecting blasts while his warriors fired into the city hopefully they were hiring something maybe a droid his tripod walkers were unloading both the ion cannons and minigun rounds into the city "okay warriors up front deflect all blasts troopers walkers blast into the city rockets into the city now move up go,go,go,go,go" he yelled as his army followed his orders and as the did hundreds of large building sized bolts of red energy came from the sky along with twenty Sith imperial shuttle's that dropped off troopers and warrior's at his position the hail of red bolts from the city increased a little but this only seemed to increase the fight sport of his men as his troopers and walkers were able to see the droids fireing at them now and began to push the droids back Naruto and his warriors soon broke there lines and charged into the droid lines pushing the droids back and making them go into full retreat Naruto sighed as he sat down on a piece of rubble his men were out destroying the proton and ion cannons to get reinforcements in to the city they may have gain a foot hold in the city but it was still crawling with droid everywhere but right now he could take a reprieve and rest he looked out and saw his army gathering and marching into the city he even saw imperial bombers flying through the sky dodging fire from the ion cannons and with the ray shield down thanks to his imperial agents lead by Hk his forces could push to the capital

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