Strong The New Sith Lord Is Becoming

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Need To know
1.)I own nothing except the Oc's
2.)this will be a harem Fanfic and it will have lemons don't like it well there are plenty other Fanfics out there
3.) this is for Jutsu's Oiroke no Jutsu
4.)this is for when it is mind talking time "sup"
5.) if you don't like this story please don't be mean and tell me that
6.)this is for demon talking "kit"
Naruto didn't know how long he had spent curled up in ball of pain. It could have been minutes, hours, days, or even weeks. All he knew was that the pain he currently felt surpassed any other pain he had ever felt before now, whether it was emotional of physical. It currently felt as though his entire body was being ripped apart right down to the molecular level and put back together only to be ripped apart again.

Every Sith spirit that was in his body was not only battling Naruto for control but also all of the other spirits as well. Having his body destroyed over and over again was really beginning to drive Naruto to the edges of madness. His pain tolerance might be high, but this was on a completely different level.

Naruto tried his best to push them all out, but it was proving to be useless. He just wasn't able to concentrate long enough.

Naruto struggled with himself as he tried to listen to the Force. Even as the spirits waged a battle for possession of his body Naruto was able to hear the faint calling of the Force. To be more specific he was hearing the call of the Darkside. It offered him power, enough power to throw out all of the Sith and end this pain. While Naruto had no doubts that the Darkside could do that, this was about him being able to stay neutral in the Force.

So with all of his remaining strength Naruto strained himself in order to listen to both sides of the Force. He had to temporarily give up control of his body in order to do so, but he was safe in the knowledge that the Sith spirits would still be fighting with each other. The pain was somewhat lessened when he did this, and for Naruto this was a major reprieve. As Naruto listened to the Force he could feel both sides now trying to lure him in. The Darkside's voice was stronger, but he could hear the faint traces of the Lightside as well. Reaching out into his Force-reserves, Naruto began drawing on both the Light and Dark sides and combining them into the desired true form of the Force. Pain was still coursing throughout his entire being, but Naruto kept at it; concentrating on melding the two sides of the Force into one.

Naruto refused to draw himself into one side of the Force; even though both side's voices were getting louder and more persistent. It almost seemed as if the Force was also testing him on his ability to remain neutral. 'Well then, I'm not gonna disappoint.' Naruto thought to himself. As he gathered more and more strength the pain gradually became more and more bearable until finally Naruto returned into his own body and began to force the Sith spirits out.

Once Naruto returned to his own body he was once more hit with the full blast of pain he had originally felt. This time however, Naruto now had a reserve of strength to draw on. It proved to be his saving grace. 'ALRIGHT YOU FUCKING SITH FAGS, YOU'VE OVERSTAYED YOUR WELCOME. NOW GET THE FUCK OUT MY BODY.' Naruto mentally shouted to every Sith spirit. Creating a massive Force Repulse Naruto not only forced just about every Sith spirit form his body but also damaged the room he was in quite badly.

Now free from his burden, Naruto took his time in getting up and stabilizing himself. Once he was stabilized he was once more confronted with the original Sith spirit. "Hahaha, well boy, looks like you passed." Naruto who was pretty exhausted from his ordeal said in response "Fuck you." "Aw, come on, don't act like that, it was a part of the tests that you willingly took. Besides, you passed; so why so mad?" "Oh, gee, I dunno; maybe it's because I felt like MY BODY WAS DESTROYED RIGHT DOWN TO EACH MOLECULE AND REPAIRED AT THE SAME TIME. DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW PAINFUL THAT IS?" "No, I don't; and I never will." the spirit said smugly. "Bastard." The spirit merely laughed and continued on with Naruto's success. "So, now that you've passed the tests, you are now officially a Sith Lord, congratulations. You will now receive no interference from us in whatever plans you have for some sort of war. Also, should you ever need to draw on our power you're more than welcome to. Now, for your victory present."

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