Chapter 3 - The Negotiation

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To those who enjoy online shopping, I guess you guys know the giddy feeling while opening your newly delivered parcel. But after inspecting the item and finding out that it is damaged, the happiness turns to disappointment. That is exactly what I felt when I find out that my dream house is somebody's home.

I lost my senses and I pass out, something I thought that only happens in movies. I don't know how long I had been unconscious but it is already dark when I open my eyes.

"Ah, forget it! I don't care. I will chase her out of the house when she wakes up!"

I hear him say. What? Did he want me out of the house? I don't know the whole situation but I will never leave the house! I spent almost all my savings to buy this, leaving me just an ample amount for living expenses. I will not leave. Ever!

With a little acting, I had successfully get his sympathy and even get food to eat. He looks decent and kind. And, extra good-looking that I do not even feel endangered around him. That's what you call serving looks. But yeah, he is the same man who wants to chase me out of the house. He is a villain.

So going back, here I am, filling my tummy's content in front of a total stranger. While eating, he explains to me that the house is his parent's house and he and his brother inherited it. No one is occupying it for how many years, I do not care to remember, and he just got back from Seoul yesterday. He does not have an idea about his brother selling the house and the catch was, he doesn't have any plan of selling his share of the house either. Like a salesman, he says smoothly that his brother said he'll give my money back in a month. Sorry, but I do not buy his idea.

"....I'll help you find a place to stay tomorrow, for now, you can sleep here tonight. You can use the other room."

Something's not right when he says that so I stomp down my chopsticks on the table hardly. He flinches slightly and looks at me inquisitively. This hinted at the start of the negotiation.

"Wait a minute... what did you just say?"

He paused thinking then replies, "You can use the other room."

"No. The other one," I say, tilting my head.

"You can sleep here tonight?"

"And, prior that?" Raising my eyebrows.

"Tomorrow.... I'll help you find a new place."

"Yes, that's it! Why should you help me find a place to stay tomorrow? And why did you sound like you are allowing me to sleep here? As far as I've understood from what you just said, you and Mr. Ri Mu Hyeok own the house," I explain while drawing an imaginary house on the table and dividing it into two. A half for Mr. Ri Mu Hyeok and the other half, I draw an X for him.

He nods in agreement, "Yeah, Mu Hyeok is my brother."

"Precisely. Now Mr. Ri Mu Hyeok sold the house to me...." Then I cross Mr. Ri Mu Hyeok's name out and replaces it with my name.

"-so technically, I am now an owner of the house too," I say firmly while staring at him seriously. Even a grade school student can comprehend that, right? I am also the owner of the house given that his brother sold his share to me. I don't care about HIS share for I have already paid for the house. Looking back, I guess I have only paid half a price of its worth, but so what?!

He sighs heavily as he plops down on his chair. I watch him carefully. He looks at me furtively and I do the same with him.

"Show me an ID?"

I scoff. But I comply without saying a thing, looking at him sharply as I turn to the backpack beside me. I rummage through its contents. I am looking for my portfolio. But I can't find it. If I remember clearly, I put it in the laptop compartment but it isn't there.

I glance at him shortly and he is gazing at me suspiciously. I really can't find it in my backpack!

"Wait a second. Why should I show you my ID by the way? You have already seen the house title already. Are you suspicious of me?" I say annoyingly, masking my worry over my lost portfolio.

"-if you want to make sure, just search my name on Instagram," I tell him sharply. Anger is the best defense.

"I don't have any soc-med accounts," he replies dryly to my suggestion.

"What? Who doesn't own one in the year 2021? Tch! I think I should be the one being wary around you then," then I eye him suspiciously too.

"That's what I'm talking about. How could two complete strangers own the same house? Can you live with a stranger?" He asks. Trying to sway me.

"That's what I should ask you, Ahjussi. Can you live in this house together with me?.... If not, then you should go. You said you just arrived yesterday right?.... Then you were not practically living here... I know that there's a different culture here in Korea, but I just want to let you know that in the place where I came from it's the guy who should give in."

He tilts his head unbelievably and scorns me.

"I have an important reason to stay here."

"It is important for me to stay here."

"This is my house."

"Your brother sold it to me."

"He only owned half of it."

"I bought the house in cash. Full payment. No installments. And, I have a house title."

He shakes his head which I think is a sign of defeat. Then an amused smile reveals his large set of dimples that decorates his face more handsomely. I stare at him through my half-lidded eyes as if I could see his inner thoughts.

"Alright. Let's share the house," he concludes. He sounds like he had no other choice.

"Wait. You shouldn't be the one deciding," I say strongly. Once and for all, I am the one disadvantaged here for I am a woman. I should have the final say.

His brows furrow. I settle my chin on the back of my finger as I lean on the table. As if thinking heavily over the matter.

"Okay, let's share the house," I say. He let out a small sound that sounded violent to me.

"Did you just snort at me?"

I guess not wanting to make me upset, he shrugs immediately and says, "It's settled then. Do you have anything more to say?"

I look at him sharply before clearing my throat.

"I have tried living with different people in a dormitory during my college days that's why I accepted to share the house with you. So don't think funny. As long as we mind our own business and do not trouble each other in one month, I'm fine with that. Let's settle the matter again once your brother comes back," and then I cross my arms in front of me. Well, about living in a dormitory, my housemates were all girls though, but there's no need to mention that.

"Alright. Like what you said, no nosing about each other's businesses," he replies.

"And in addition to that... I just want to let you know I am a black belter in taekwondo and in judo. So don't even try me."

He laughs as if he heard a dumb joke and it irritated me.

"Don't worry. You're not my type. Yours is.... not my size," he snickers and shakes his head while looking at my... Pervert!

I scoff. I guess all men are the same, they only look at the bigger ones. Well, that's good to hear, I will not be conscious around him. I lift my chin confidently and I hold out my hand in front of him.

"Yoon Se Ri, you?"

"Ri Jeong Hyeok."

And so he reaches over my hand and I shake it firmly. It's a done deal.

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