Chapter 26 - Jinx

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"I think this will look good in the living room."

Cradle in my arms are the curtains I managed to avail using the discount we received from the store. I smile staring at the peach-colored sheer fabric like a prized possession. It has always been my dream to decorate my house with soft peach and white colors. The sun's rays will look more bright and fairy through it.

A scoff reaches my ears, interrupting my happy thoughts. I look up to Jeong Hyeok who is at the back of the small truck, busy untying the sofa. I don't know how in the world he was so soaked. Our eyes meet and I know what his stare is supposed to mean.

"Why? What? You have saved enough from the discount, and this is for the house too!"

"Are there even some for my bedroom?" he interrogates.

"Do you even need a curtain? You only have a small window," I snap.

"I can put a curtain on it too!- but... wait- how did you know that I only have a small window in my room?"

Oops! Slip of a tongue! He stops from what he is doing, puts one hand on his hip, and gives me an accusing look. I can't just tell him I went to his room before when I was doubting him being the killer.

"Did you perhaps go to my room?"

"Hol! Why should I go to your room?"

This time, I put a hand on my hip in a defensive manner. Imitating him.

"Exactly, so how did you know?"


"Oh, there you are, Jeong Hyeok-ssi! Se Ri-ssi!"

Both turning our heads in the direction of the voice, we watch as the ahjummas, who once visited us before, walk toward us in quick gaits. They are wearing patrol vests and caps, holding flashlights and radio as well. One of them is holding a small megaphone. What good timing it is for I am actually racking my brain to give Jeong Hyeok a logical answer that will not make him doubt, and I can't think of anything at the moment.

We bow our heads to them respectfully, giving them my most genuine smile as I am very much thankful for their uninvited entrance that saves me from Jeong Hyeok's prying eyes.

"Good evening," I say brightly.

"It's our first time seeing you both late outside," one of them says.

"Ah, they bought furniture!" the other one comments.

Obviously not wanting to prolong the conversation, Jeong Hyeok simply nods to them and turns his attention to the sofa.

"Ah, Se Ri-ssi. You only go to work from Wednesday to Friday, right?" says the third one. Based on how she has positioned herself between the two, people can tell that she is the acting leader of the trio.

"Ah, how did you know- but, yes," I reply bewilderingly.

How are they supposed to know that? Although it really isn't surprising at all for news and gossip to travel far in a small town. Now, I attest that the village has eyes- the old women and spinsters as usual.

"You see, the situation today is more dangerous than ours before. Last night, an exhibitionist scared the girls coming from school. So we decided to patrol around for the safety of our neighborhood and to catch that exhibitionist."

"That's very alarming, indeed," I say concerningly, "-but isn't it dangerous for you to stay outside as well?" I continue.

"In this age, nothing scares us anymore. Plus, we are not the only ones patrolling."

They turn their heads and as if on cue, a couple waves their flashlight from a distance.

"Nice," I nod approvingly, "-neighbors helping out each other is a wonderful thing."

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