Chapter 22 - Hang Over

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A bolt of pain whines inside my head like a steamroller as soon as I grow conscious. I feel my stomach burn while my back complains of soreness.

"Where am I?"

The exposed wooden lines of the cross beams and rafters of the open ceiling looks familiar. I wander my tight eyes around and recognize that I am in the living room. With the pillow askew on my head and blanket tossed away, I lay sprawling and too wicked to move, it feels like I got hit by a boulder last night.

Still, I raise my body up to sit and the hazy memory of last night's song and booze hovers over me. I can still remember that it was Jeong Hyeok's fault why I drank up to my limit. How could he judge me and think that I will blow up our undercover by drinking? Hmp! But... What exactly happened last night? And why did I end up here on the floor of the living room, not in my bedroom?

"Jeong Hyeok, that little-! What's the use of his bulk body? He could have at least brought me up in my bedroom!"

Huffing from the thought of being dropped on a cold and hard floor while he slept in his soft and warm bed, I stand up although my head feels like my brain is replaced with cottons and pins which hurt every time I blink and think. I walk to the kitchen to get myself something to ease my dry throat and decide to deal with that old man later.

"You're up."

His voice springs up like a bud on the first day of spring, a refreshing sound against the wheezing white noises inside my head and his... but wait! No! I'm not falling for his sweet honey-like morning voice and the way he speaks so mildly and gently! I'm mad at him! Yes, I'm mad at him.

"Yah! Ri Jeong Hyeok! How could you let me sleep on the living room's floor!"

I march towards his direction to confront him and the aroma of ginger and oil fragrance attacks me like multiple arrows shot by his archers. My burning stomach growls after receiving the message from my foodie brain. But I fix my glare at him and lean at the table haughtily. More because of a need for support and aside from that my back still hurts.

"Completely calm when drunk? Can carry herself very well? Tch!"

"What? What are you saying?"

"I'm saying the complete opposite of what you were last night."

"Huh? No way!"

"You went around pinching other's cheeks and kissing them, I don't think that's the definition of 'being calm'."

I have been drunk just twice in my life, and the second time was last night. Even if I try to remember everything that happened, a dim and hazy cloud casts over my memory. My first time was with my family and... they had never told me anything absurd in my behavior. So hearing this from Jeong Hyeok is news to me.

"-and while lifting you up, you became violent. Throwing me fists and kicks. So if you did not end up on the floor, I think it's me who had ended up there."

"Are you saying that I'm a violent person when drunk?"

"No, no... VERY violent when drunk."

My scoff turns into a sarcastic laugh as a response to him.

"You are COMPLETELY wrong. Because I can be MORE violent when not drunk."

He shrugs unaffectedly at my seeming threat, "Hm, I guess."

Then he shifts his attention to the casserole on the stove. I raise both of my hands acting like I was choking him and drop them down when he turns back to me after turning the heat off.

"The food's ready. But I think you'd want to fix yourself first before eating."

Scanning myself quickly, oh, shoot... I really need a change first. Excusing myself, I go to my bedroom to get my things and quickly go to the shower after.

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