12 | Twisted Notions | 12

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This chapter and next chapter are 1 scene split into 2 because I kind of wrote 2700 words by accident-
They're also the last 2 before it's back to the present day and dreamnotfound.
Enjoy. Love ya <3   ~ Owl


-Techno's POV-

I spend a while telling Toby stories about my past friends, recalling amusing events in hopes of making them a fonder memory. Thinking of them is still bittersweet, especially when something comes up to only make me miss them more.

My time spent alone made me think more about the structure of this cruel world, specifically about why people are given a second chance because of someone they often haven't even met beforehand.

Soulmates are linked from a young age, before the two people meet. The world decides their fate for them, deeming who is 'meant to be together'.

But how?

It's a strange concept. One that could stop people from being with someone else, from believing they could love someone unless they were their soulmate.

Maybe the world did this to be kind and stop people from heartbreak. You're supposed to fall in love with the person you're linked to - that's how it was meant to be. That's what we were told.

This may not be the end after all.

Wilbur and Phil could have a chance to be saved. By their soulmates, who neither of them got to meet. If their soulmate kills for them, and if they haven't killed their target for their own safety first.

Then the vicious cycle continues. Two more people die, to pay the price of two other's revivals. Two more bands go black, as two return to colour. To maintain balance, I suppose, and keep the system going. That's just how this world works, I don't know what'd happen if it didn't.

So then how...

I rummage through my bag, searching for an item I'd almost forgot I was carrying. Through my limited supplies and few possessions, I've managed to hold onto, as well as a few of my friend's.

Near the base of the bag is one of Tommy's, which I couldn't bring myself to leave behind. A bee plushie, which he named Tubbee, and held in his final breaths.

I can't help but smile at the toy I'd thought so ridiculous for a sixteen year old to love so fondly, taking care not to damage it as I take off the item I was looking for, which happens to still be wrapped around it's body where I left it.

Tommy's soulmate band.

I'd known when Tommy died it'd be the worst of them all. He has no chance of revival, having died too young for his soulmate to be assigned a target in the hopes of saving him. It made saying goodbye so much harder, knowing it'd be the last time I'd ever see him.

At least I got to say goodbye to him, even if I didn't deserve to.

Thoughts like that have haunted me since. Reminding me that if I hadn't have left them alone, had just listened to Wilbur, this probably wouldn't have happened. I can fight, was the only one of our group that could.

Maybe it would've stopped them, and I could've saved my friends. Maybe then my they'd still be here by my side now. Maybe then Tommy and Toby could've met, become the friends both so desperately need.

I could tell Tommy was lonely. Even though he had me, and Wilbur, and Phil. He lacked someone to understand him, someone his age to be a teen with again. It hurt trying to watch him act like us, try to face things that even adults didn't deserve to. Tommy could've been the friend that Toby needed. Probably would've – they're so similar they'd have got along perfectly.

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