33 | After So Long | 33

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Reminder that Tommy can't talk, so the 'quotation marks' is him signing to Tubbo.
Just before I confuse anyone.

Also, update schedule is every 2 days now. Last chapter of this book should therefore be on the 12th.
Enjoy. Love ya <3   ~ Owl


-Tommy's POV-

'Tubbo, are you sure this George fella is the right person to tell?'

My best friend stops to read my hand signals, tripping over a jagged stone in the process. His arms scramble for something to grab onto, then spin in circles upon finding nothing in reach.

Immediately I reach my arms out towards him, wanting to help him before he falls. Yet my hands fall through his, and I bitterly remember that I'm effectively a ghost in this world.

Luckily, Tubbo manages to steady himself, giggling deliriously in embarrassment. "Thanks for trying to help," he smiles brightly, pushing a dark cloud of hair out of his eyes. Both blue orbs glitter innocently, one like the sky and one like the sea. It's calming to see something in colour still, even if it's only a few shades of blue.

"And as for the other question," Tubbo continues. "George is the only option I have, really-"

'Then why are you telling him?'

"Because I need to tell someone, Tommy!" His sudden outburst catches me off-guard, and panic takes over. I press my hands to my chest, trying to cover as much of my stomach as possible.

I screw up my eyes and wait for them to strike, shivering in fear. Yet the blow never comes, and when I open my eyes in confusion, I'm met with my own staring back at me.

Tubbo hugs himself with his arms, rocking back and forth on the spot. His eyes burn holes through me, plagued with guilt and glistening with the starts for tears. It's then I realise that this isn't that night, and the person standing before me isn't the assassin that haunts my nightmares.

"I'm so sorry..." Tubbo whispers over and over, trembling worse than I was to begin with. 'Hey, it's alright,' I repeat after every apology uttered, frustrated when he closes his eyes to ignore them.

"I don't deserve the apology, so just stop," he mutters through gritted teeth, and I decide to comply despite not wanting to.

Eventually he opens his eyes, managing to meet my own for a split-second before dropping his gaze to the floor. They drift back to me almost instantly after, glued to my chest where the scar I tried to cover begins.

My fingertips graze over the spot delicately, suddenly self-conscious from his staring. Tracing the thin line dug into my skin, a reminder of how I ended up in this mess in the first place.

I watch as Tubbo steps closer, cautiously, waiting for any hesitance from me. When I nod to him he moves again, reaching his hands out in the direction of mine.

His fingers try to lace over mine, to hold them, to drag them away from the scar I can't seem to forget about. And I let him try, hoping he'll stop to push the tears out of his eyes and feeling a pang of guilt when he instead willingly lets them fall.

The look on his face is one of pure shame, smile contorted to a grimace as the droplets drip from his cheeks. He takes another glance at them, 'I probably deserve these' on his lips as his shaking begins to steady.

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