5 | Never Walk Alone | 5

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There's a panic attack in this chapter, but you may skip it. Just stop at the first ⚠️⚠️⚠️ and start reading again after the second.
Enjoy. Love ya <3    ~ Owl


-George's POV-

No matter how many times I visit the market in Central City, it never gets any better. You'd think after multiple trips there each week it'd get easier, but it never seems to.

Even now, on my near twentieth trip, I can't rid the sick feeling in my stomach as it turns over anxiously. This was easier before, when I had Clay to protect me. Nobody could see him before, he was safe. Even without knowing he was invisible, I thought he was safe.

Now there's a bounty over his head which grows each day. The number climbing from hundreds to thousands as Techno gets more and more desperate to take his rival down. He's wanted alive, probably so that Techno can kill him firsthand. Most likely in front of an audience, to prove he will take down any who rival him.

Techno's title relies on the fear of others. On proving his strength, so none challenge him. So rival assassin groups stay below him, and he remains on top. As the leader of the elite assassins, as the most powerful group in the city.

Over the past couple of days, information has been sparse. With both Clay and I in hiding, it's been hard to hear word of any new information. But from what we've grasped and put together, Techno's reputation seems to be wavering.

After word got out about his failure to kill his target, people have been speculating that someone stronger has arrived in the city. Some say it's Dream, that Techno was assigned him as his target. Others say it's someone greater, that a new force could overpower them both.

Techno is afraid. He stands to lose what he's spent months building up, and people don't fear him like they used to. The only way he gets what he wants is through control, and that control is through fear.

Without control, he has nothing.

No soulmate, as they remain dead. A Devotion, some say, though none have ever seen his band. It remains hidden at all times, so what people say they know, is only speculation.

But one thing is for certain; Techno's crown is slipping.

Cautiously I duck into an alleyway beside the entrance to the market. To readjust my makeshift mask, making sure I'm unrecognisable. The darkness of the shadowed market provides little comfort when you're wanted by Technoblade.

An all too familiar fear stings in my chest. That constant fear of everyone, ingrained in me from the years spent alone. To think there was a time when you could trust people, when you were young enough to live without a hunter. Without the constant fear of your own 'friend' killing you when your back is turned.

That must be why the soulmate system exists. As a beacon of hope, to give you someone you can trust completely. You don't exactly get to have friends in this world, not anymore.

Not everyone would do what Nick did. He let Clay live, couldn't bring himself to kill him, not even for his dead soulmate. Nick  didn't want them back if it meant he'd have to kill his best friend. He could've had someone, could've had his soulmate with him.

Maybe then he'd be able to look me in the eyes, without that constant jealousy he tries to hide. I watch it pull him apart, tear him to shreds whenever he's forced to witness the affection he can't have. Jealousy that I have my soulmate, and he doesn't. That I can see Clay, and he can't.

Sometimes I wonder if there's ever anger behind those cold, envious eyes. If Nick hates me, because I killed Clay. After all the effort and sacrifices Nick took to keep Clay safe, he ended up dead anyway.

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