3 | Please Let Me Go | 3

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-Zak's POV-

Knowing what I had done, I find myself incapable to stare into his emerald-green eyes..."Which you don't.. You shouldn't after what I did to you-"

"Are you blaming yourself for this?" Darryl sounds shocked. He edges towards me, reaching a hand out to grasp mine. When I realize what he's doing I move away, receiving another worried glance.

"Zak I don't blame you-"

"How can you not blame me for this?!" I suddenly shriek, causing him to flinch. "Don't you see what happened? I killed you! You're dead! Your own soulmate caused your death! It's all my fault! All because of my choice to 'protect you'!"

Darryl doesn't interrupt, only listens quietly. "What's the reason you got killed that day? Whose choice was to leave you down there? Directly under where those beams would fall? Wouldn't that kill anyone?"

Screaming turns to sobbing, and soon enough I'm choking back tears. It echoes between broken sentences as I'm forced to face what I've done. "I did. My band is black because I killed my soulmate. I killed the one good thing I have in this world. How can you be so forgiving, Darryl?"

"How can you look at your soulmate, your boyfriend, the person who's supposed to protect you with every breath of their body and not hate them? Looking at your murderer, and still love them. How can you possibly still love me?"

My emotions become too overwhelming, and soon enough I'm unable to finish. My strength drains as the effect of sleepless days catches up. Countless nights crying in my bed. Our bed, with one side now empty.

I can't find the resilience to fight back as arms wrap around me, and I hate myself for not doing so. Hate that I let him pull me into his lap, that I hold onto him tightly for comfort. He holds me close, our bodies side by side, and legs tangled together.

A pair of lips pressed against my forehead, my hair pushed back. He cradles my face with one hand as he hums a soft melody, something he always does whenever I'm upset. Always knows how well it calms me, how much I love it. His voice was so rhythmic, I wanted to sing with him.

He was like a real angel who had come down to earth and given someone the best life.

This angel, is the boy I got killed.

Yet he acts like nothing ever changed. He's not disgusted by the excuse of a soulmate he was given. His so-called 'boyfriend', who ended up killing him. This weak and pathetic boy crying in his arms who is unable to accept the consequences of his act.

Darryl stops humming, pulling away briefly to brush back my tears. He pushes my hair back out of my eyes, before pressing another soft kiss to my forehead. "Muffin, you know that wasn't your fault" he whispers.

"It never was, you can't blame yourself for something you couldn't control. Who knows what would've happened if you had brought me up there."

"You would still be alive" I respond through tears, voice quivering.

"But you don't know that for sure" he's quick to respond. "I could've died up there. You had no idea those beams would fall, and you wouldn't have let me stay there if you had. Would you?"

I shake my head, averting my eyes from embarrassment. Embarrassed by how pathetic I am, how badly I dealt with the situation. I should've known. I've been around the area so many times, I knew it was a construction site.

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