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-Nick's POV-

"Is there a problem?"

Karl's eyes soften, filled with nervous dread. He looks between the two of us, waiting for someone to clarify. "Karl Jacobs..." Clay murmurs, looking between Karl and I. "So, what does the name Toby mean to you?"

"Toby?" Karl asks quietly. It takes him a few seconds, then his eyes light up in recognition. "Toby! Oh my gosh is he okay? How do you two know him?"

"We met him a while ago," I explain. "He's been doing fine, don't worry. He'll be so excited to see you again!"

"I'm excited to see him," Karl beams, eyes not quite matching the happiness on his face. There's something off about them, but I decide it must just be confusion. This is a lot to adjust to at once, he probably needs some time.

"One more thing, then I'll leave you two alone for a bit," Clay cuts in. "Karl, how did you die? It's fine if you don't want to talk about it, but I thought I'd ask in case you wouldn't mind doing so."

Clay's eyes drift to the scar on Karl's neck, squinting as they try to depict what happened. My own do the same at first, but I quickly avert my gaze, worried I may make Karl uncomfortable.

"You look like you were stabbed..." Clay ponders aloud, and I shoot him a glare, signalling to look somewhere else. I can't blame his curiosity, but the sudden question may be too much currently.

"I was... murdered," Karl stutters quietly. "A well thought-out murder too, must've been to get their soulmate back. It was over so quickly I didn't even realise what was happening until I was past the point of saving."

"Sorry I... I don't really wanna talk about it. It's something I'd rather forget..." Karl's hands drift nervously to the spot on his neck, clutching at the scar. Tears well up in his eyes, and I waste no time pulling him into a hug. At first the gesture catches him off-guard, but he's quick to return it.

"I don't remember it very well either. One moment I was in the forest by myself, completely fine, then the next..." his sobs cut himself off, the tears spilling from his eyes as he buries his face in his hands. I pull Karl closer to me, enveloping him in what I hope is a comforting warmth. He's overwhelmed, and the least I can do is try to help him.

"Hey, Karl. It's okay." Clay looks guilty, clearly regretting asking the question in the first place. "I've been... murdered before too. By my own soulmate, actually, who mistook me for his target. He has a hard time talking about it too."

"Oh my gosh that's horrible!" Karl removes his hands from his face, covering his mouth in shock. He shivers, leaning heavily against me for support, which I try my hardest to give him. "Are you both okay now?"

"Yeah, we're both fine. I still love him regardless. It was completely an accident what he did, and he managed to get me back." Karl readjusts his position, wrapping his arms around me tightly.

His fingers knot into my jacket, desperate for something to cling to. I'm still stunned by his sudden willingness to be so close to me, but decide he must be desperate for affection after so long.

"Actually, you've met him before," Clay adds after a few seconds. "Remember your friend George?"

"Your soulmate is George?!"


"How is that even possible?! Why does it all connect up?!" Karl shakes his head in disbelief, and I can practically see the cogs turning as he tries to process all of this information.

"I can't- how-" he splutters, trying to make sense of everything. "Shall I leave you two?" Clay asks nervously, already backing away into the doorway. He shoots me an apologetic look, signalling to Karl. "That alright?" I ask Karl, who nods without a word, and I decide that's enough.

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