24 | Holding On | 24

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-George's POV-

"Can you stop fighting?!" Tubbo suddenly yells, abruptly halting the argument. Both sides freeze, shocked by the teen's sudden outburst.

"This isn't getting us anywhere!" he sighs loudly, hands tightly balled into fists. He looks between the arguing adults as if in disappointment, waiting for them to listen before speaking again.

"Fundy, Dream clearly doesn't know anything about the fire. We're all equally as clueless as to who caused it and why. Dream, Fundy and I answered your question. I promise we aren't spies. Sapnap, Fundy helped you in that fight against Illumina, despite his motive."

Tubbo finally turns to me, and I notice he's now clutching the bee I found tightly to his chest. "And George, thank you for going through all of this to return Tubbee. It was my best friend's, and it means a lot to both of us." He hugs the bee tighter, having cleaned the plushie since I found it.


"I'm sorry that we can't get Karl back. I've wanted to see him again so badly, but there's nothing we can do for him now." The hurt tone in which he speaks those words makes my heart ache. Defeated, evident that what little hope he had left has since been snuffed out.

"I'm sure Karl would appreciate you wanting to help him, though. We always thought you had a kind heart, George. He told me that's why he let you stay when we first met you, he knew you were a good person."

I'm not though, I'm not-

"Thank you," I manage to choke out. "It means a lot to know he trusted me." I've always been thankful there were people in this world more willing to trust others than I am. Turns out there still are now, if you search hard enough to find them.

"Fundy does too now, I think." Tubbo looks to him for confirmation, and the ex-assassin begrudgingly nods his head. "So... he can come back with us?"

Another tense nod. Clearly distrusting, but good enough. Most likely him agreeing for Tubbo's sake.


"Fine," Fundy agrees reluctantly. "But I'm not letting anyone else go with him."

His eyes drift to Clay, and he points his index finger towards him in accusation. "Especially not you, I definitely still don't trust you. There's probably a good reason for that too. You're not allowed anywhere near us."

"Whatever," Clay shrugs casually. "Sapnap and I can leave. I trust you two won't hurt my George, despite neither of you trusting me."

My George.

Sapnap turns in Clay's direction, shooting him a questioning glance. Clay rolls his eyes, the look in them reading 'just go with it'. Nick then mimics a choking noise at the nickname, pretending to gag in disgust.

"Your George can handle himself," I quip back, unable to hide the rosy blush on my cheeks. Clay giggles softly, shaking his head.

"Alright, we're leaving," Fundy interrupts suddenly, signalling back in the direction of the door. He shoots Tubbo and I a nod, indicating for us to follow. Then to Sapnap, who I hadn't noticed was standing behind me until now.

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