37 | Unwanted Returns | 37

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^ You know the drill, inspo song above.
The one on Perception technically inspired the entire series, but I was listening to this song on repeat when I wrote a lot of this book at once and it inspired a lot of the later chapters.

Final chapter! Which is somehow 2k...
Note at the bottom for what comes next.
Enjoy, Love ya <3 ~ Owl


-George's POV-

"Did something happen?"

The sudden noise of oncoming footsteps echoes from the stairwell, cautious but quick. It's not long before Tubbo appears at the base of the stares, searching the room in relief before he at last notices Karl. I watch the teen's mismatched eyes widen in wonder, mouth forming words he can't find the strength to utter.

"Toby?" Karl asks quietly, unknowing of his new name. Tubbo shakes his head in denial, much like I did, but with far more force. It's almost like anger, the way his eyes are screwed up so tightly it must hurt.

"You aren't real, you can't be..."

He grits his teeth forcefully, hugging his arms tightly around his chest and willing the world to go away. The silence is terrifying as his complexion pales to near ghostly, shaking his head over and over. Until it all caves in, the shellshocked teen collapsing to his knees, which scrape raw on the floorboards.

"You're dead! You died in that forest months ago and you never came back!"

Karl's eyes dart nervously between the broken boy and me at an alarming rate, wondering what to do next. I signal towards Tubbo encouragingly, knowing that if anyone can calm him down, it will be Karl. He takes a deep breath before stepping towards the teen, slowly, making sure not to startle him.

"Toby, it's me!" Karl smiles hopefully to him. "I'm Nick's soulmate! I'm alive again, he revived me!" Tubbo shakes his head even faster, rocking back and forth with little concern for his splintered knees. Blood begins to drip from the cuts as they drag into gashes, but he doesn't move an inch.

Karl kneels cautiously beside him, resting a gentle hand on the shaking teen's shoulder. He rubs slow, soothing circles with his thumb, doing the same to the other side once Tubbo relaxes a little more. The tension suddenly sinks and he crumbles all at once, collapsing into Karl's arms in a sobbing mess.

"Oh honeybee, what happened to you..." Karl whispers, a bittersweet smile on his lips as he brings the boy tightly to his chest. Tubbo sobs uncontrollably into his shoulder, and I can't help but wonder what Tommy is thinking of this.

Probably thinking about Wilbur, as I know the relationship he had with him was like what Tubbo had with Karl. Like brothers, the nickname 'honeybee' presumably and endearing term Karl used to use with Tubbo like that.

The rest of us remain silent, letting the two have their moment. Tubbo's fists tighten in Karl's hoodie, holding onto him so tightly it's like he's afraid he'll lose him again if he lets go. "I missed you so bad," he manages to choke out, letting Karl brush away the tears staining his cheeks.

"Don't you dare leave me here ever again, Karl."

Karl watches Tubbo's eyes with a gaze of fascination, having never seen them multicoloured before. He pulls the boy back against him, wrapping him in a tight embrace. "I won't, Toby, I promise," Karl tells him, pushing his now damp hair out of his eyes.

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