10 | New Origins | 10

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(Back with the same PoV as chapter 1)
This chapter is PAST TENSE and consecutive to the flashback in chapter 1.


-??? POV-

"Do you think it's better up there?"

I hug the shivering boy's body closer to my own, supporting his frail figure as he turns his head to the sky. His eyes were distant, but it never lost that vivid ocean-blue colour.

"Where?" I ask, following his gaze to the ceiling. Ignoring the silent room, and the scene that remains only a floor below us. Ignoring the door which showed a glimpse of the bloodied stairs, caught in the slit of light that shone dimly through the apartment.

"Up there." Tommy extends a trembling finger, pointing upwards. His gaze falls to the stairwell beyond, and I slowly push the door closed with my foot. Like it'll hide it from him, as if the damage isn't there.

The damage was already done.

"Probably," I shrug, attempting to redirect the teenager's attention. "I bet it's nice away from here."

"Do you think Wilbur and Phil like it there?" The sudden sadness behind the tone of a boy I'm used to only seeing smiling hurts, tears at something inside of me. This isn't fair. Nobody his age should have to deal with a world as cruel as this one.

But that's how this world is, how it's meant to be.

"I'm sure they love it there, Tommy." I smile to the blonde, ruffling his hair more gently than I usually would. He giggles softly, a sweet sound until his laughter draws thin and the light drains a little more from his eyes.

A little more blood spills from his stomach, and Tommy gets a little closer to that world, leaving me alone in this one.

Yet I don't want to accept it.

He didn't deserve this-

"Do you think it's anything like the old world?"

"I think it's happier there," I conclude, hoping that it truly is. Hoping that there's something better waiting on the other side of this hellhole. Where Wilbur and Phil await us.

"I miss them." Tommy recoils further, leaning against my side nervously. The sudden movement only makes things worse, and he cries out in pain as the glass digs further into his stomach. Bloody fragments lay strewn across the broken floorboards of this room, a reminder of what happened here merely minutes ago.

"So do I," I sigh, wrapping an arm protectively around Tommy as he shifts into a more comfortable position. Even beside me, he wouldn't stop shaking. I could hear his breath hitching, growing shallower and shallower by the minute.

I reach for a small yellow figure that lay beside us, something that Tommy loved. He'd hug it and play with it for hours. It had small wings and a boxy figure.

"Someone wants to say hi to you Tommy" I tell him, tapping lightly on his shoulders. When he laid his eyes on the plushie in my hands, he smiled as brightly as if it was the greatest thing he had ever seen. In his eyes was the reflection of stars, and he reached for the plushie with his arms.

"Tubbee!" He squeals, hugging the bee plushie close to his chest. Then he closes his eyes again. "Maybe they've become new stars out there, forming a new constellation."

I smiled. "The friendship constellation?"

"That sounds nice." Tommy gazes out of the shattered window dreamily, the ghost of a smile tugging at his lips. "One day, I'll be with them forever. With my best friends, Wilbur and Phil."

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