
183 20 25

(trigger warning // abuse. Remember, you aren't alone and even I'm here for you, ilysm baby beans <3)

Taeyong sighed, looking at the unconscious male on his bed. He turned him over, getting a good look at his shoulder. He tsked and went back to cleaning the wound, a nasty purple-blue color coming over it.

Jisung whimpered in his sleep, as he lightly opened his eyes, only to be met with the sight of Taeyong's back. He smirked, going back to his sleeping position and groaning, trying to get the attention of the taller. Taeyong peered at him, turning his attention to him.

"Fuck!" Taeyong cursed. Jisung smirked, proud of the round house kick he has given to the older. He pressed one foot against the others chest, as he grabbed his hands, securing them in his own.

"Instead of bringing dogs after me" he said, twisting the elder's hands, and putting more pressure on his chest. He leaned in closer and smirked. "Catch me like a man" he said with a small, innocent smile. "Damn, that's hot" Taeyong smirked.

Jisung choked on his spit, as his grip loosened. He yelped, feeling two hands on his chest as he was pinned down on the bed. "You're pretty weak you know?" Taeyong sneered. "I was tending your wounds, helping you come over the pain so you wouldn't feel any when you would wake up" Taeyong snarled.

The younger let out a yell and struggled underneath Taeyong, as he felt pressure on his wounded shoulder, pushing him against the wall with force. Jisung yelped, tears pricking his eyes. "Please no..." He said in a tiny voice. Taeyong snickered. "You think manners are going to get you out of this?"

"Oh baby boy, you're so deep that now you're lost in it" Taeyong whispered, digging his nails into the wound, as Jisung choked on his sob. Taeyong rolled his eyes and hoisted Jisung up his shoulder. "Stop fucking crying" he scowled. "Whatever I'll do...Oh you don't know what I'll do" he gave a cackle. But Jisung knew one thing.

That he needed a plan. Fast.

ʚ Thief of Antoniese Burg ; taesung ✔ ɞWhere stories live. Discover now