
139 18 19

Jisung felt someone shake him awake. He groaned. "Five more minutes..." he mumbled.

He yelped, feeling himself being lifted into someone's arms. "Morning beautiful" Taeyong's raspy voice said. Jisung looked out the window, and then at the old clock on the wall. "It's one in the morning what are you doing?!" he hissed.

Taeyong chuckled, softly kissing his partner, who immediately kissed back. Taeyong pulled away, leaving Jisung flustered.

"We're running away love" he whispered, nuzzling his face into the others shoulder. Jisung looked at him, already knowing why.

Jisung wasn't going to lie. He was over-joyed to run away. He gave the elder a loving smile, softly pecking his lips. Taeyong giggled, setting the other down, as the door burst open.

"FUCKING PUT ME DOWN YOU LITTLE SHIT!!" Na Jaemin yelled, as Lee Jeno chuckled. He currently had the flustered boy on his shoulder. Jisung and Taeyong laughed at the others, as Jaemin scolded Jeno, stating how he could've gotten hurt. Jeno rolled his eyes, kicking the door behind him and locking it with his free hand.

"Hi Sungie baby" Jaemin gave the youngest of them all a smile and ruffled his hair, pulling him close and giving him a hug after he was set down. Taeyong rolled his tongue against his cheek, shaking his head and reminding him that they're only friends.

He looked over at Jeno, who was clearly jealous. He chuckled as the other pulled Jaemin off of Jisung, securing him in his arms. "Alright guys, c'mon, let's continue packing" Taeyong ordered them.

Jisung sighed, reluctantly grabbing a few clothes from the closet. He didn't have any clothes since he was with Taeyong the whole week, and he was used to wearing Taeyong's clothes.

And anyways, he liked them. Couple goals, stealing your partners oversized clothes.

Wait...are me and Taeyong even official? He never asked me...I mean he has marked me...but...does that mean I'm taken? Didn't I have to ask permission from Jaemin? Wasn't Taeyong just trying to kill me a few days ago? What the fu-

He was snapped out of his thoughts when he felt someone back hug him. "You alright baby bunny?" said Taeyong, who inhaled his scent. Jisung smiled and nodded. "Just thinking..." he mumbled, low enough for only Taeyong to hear.

"About?" Taeyong said, drawing shapes on Jisung's back. When he got no answer, he got worried, feeling the younger shake in his hold. He pulled the younger into the bathroom, so it was just the two of them. He cupped his cheek, placing a kiss on his partner's nose.

"What's wrong bun?" he said, as Jisung bit his lip, drawing blood from it. Taeyong leaned forward, capturing his bottom lip into his own, pulling it away.

"Taeyong are we even together?" Jisung blurted out, immediately regretting it. He felt Taeyong frown, as he looked down. "I...I mean you do have a point...if you wanna be together, I'm up for it"

"I love you Jisung. I really do. I never knew why I was so lenient with you the first few days, why I felt so guilty when I tried just one project on you...Jeno and Johnny told me I could be in love...but I didn't listen to them.

I didn't think I would fall in love with you Jisung, but I did. And I don't regret it. I've fallen so deep for you that I even marked you, but it was without consent and...I don't want to say I regret it, though I do since it was without your consent and it may have made you uncomfortable, but I loved every second of it.

Jisung, I want to be yours. And I want you to be mine" Taeyong said, finishing his long (ass ride) speech and looked at Jisung, who had no expression on his face. Taeyong looked down, letting go of the others wrist which he didn't know he was holding.

Taeyong felt someone lift his chin up, as Jisung pecked his lips. "I gladly will be yours" he whispered to the elder, who smiled and ruffled his blonde hair. Jisung giggled, pressing his lips to the elder's forehead. He placed a soft kiss, and pulled away. "I love you Taeyong"

"I love you too Jisung. So much"


Jisung and Taeyong looked at each other, and burst into laughter. Taeyong grabbed Jisung, placing butterfly kisses all over his face, as they got out of the bathroom. "I already packed your bags since, you guys were taking too long, and Soobin and Yeonjun already got the cart outside" Jaemin said, flashing a smile.

Jisung hugged Jaemin, mumbling a thank you in his ear. They grabbed their bags, as they opened the window, throwing a rope down. "Bitches out the way I don't need no rope" Jaemin sassed, climbing down, exactly the way he had climbed up when he saved Jisung.

"I got a sassy baby huh?" Jeno mumbled under his breath, to which Jisung nodded. "He's like that..." he gave a smile. Jeno chuckled, grabbing the rope and going down slowly. "Go on baby" Taeyong said, giving him a smile, as Jisung grabbed the rope and slipped down easily, landing in Jaemin's arms.

Taeyong looked around, taking in the room he had grown up in. He chuckled, tying the bags to the rope, as they slipped down as well. Now or never Taeyong He thought to himself.

He slipped down as well, feeling his feet land on the group with a jolt. They all got on the cart, and gave a smile to Soobin and Yeonjun, who had arms around their son Huening Kai. Jeno pulled the reigns on the horse, who started moving the cart.

Taeyong put his arms around Jisung, humming him a lullaby, helping him getting back to sleep. They all were free now. Free from all the homophobia, from the pain they suffered to get here.

And they were going to start a new chapter of their life.

_ _ _

This whole chapter (excluding this) was a full 1000 words I'm proud uwu

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