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Jisung gave Taeyong a confused look at a glare, as Taeyong gulped. "O-Oh is she now? When will she be here, I'll be busy today with the boy" Taeyong said.

Jisung's eyes widened, as he squirmed and tried to get out of the elders grasp, yet Taeyong only held him tighter. "S-She's here already sir..." "Really? Who let her in? I didn't give permission!" Taeyong said, pulling Jisung closer so he would stop moving.

"Y-Your brother s-sir" said the male outside. Taeyong groaned, as he nodded. "Alright, I'll be out in a minute" he said, and the male outside disappeared.

Taeyong yelped feeling a hand go across his cheek. "Explain. Now" Jisung demanded, after he had slapped the elder. Taeyong pouted and whined at the slap he had received, as Jisung sighed and rubbed the spot. "Love, I swear it's all forced, I don't love her" Taeyong rambled on, as Jisung smiled.

"Wait- then who DO you like?" Jisung said, as Taeyong looked at him with a "really?" face.

"Did our kiss not mean anything to you?" Taeyong growled and gripped the others thighs. The younger gasped. "No i-it did sir" he whined. Taeyong smiled and kissed his nose.

"But, if you really love me, kiss me ag-" Jisung was cut off by Taeyong's lips on his once more. He put his arms around the elders neck, as they pulled away, they heard a knock.

"Sir? Minj Rui is waiting. Are you alright in there sir?" said the male voice outside. Taeyong cleared his throat. "Yes I'm alright...Be there in a few minutes!" he said, as the male outside disappeared once more.

"...S-Soon to be girlfriend huh?" Jisung said, moving away. He wasn't going to lie, but he felt his heart sting a little.

"Yeah..." Taeyong said, as an uncomfortable silence took over theme. Jisung sighed, as he tried getting up, only to wince. Taeyong acted quickly, as he held Jisung close, almost lifting him off the ground. They both looked at each other and giggled.

"You should head to Minj Rui..."
Jisung sighed. Taeyong hummed and shook his head, resting it on top of Jisung's shoulder. "Nah..." he said. Jisung shook his head, and giggled. "Taeyong, we can spend time later, c'mon, go..."

A sigh was heard from the elder, as he removed himself from the younger. "Fine...I'll run a bath for you, I'll find some clothes, stay in here until I come back, alright hon?" Taeyong instructed, and pet the others head. Jisung nodded like a little chick, and giggled as Taeyong placed a kiss on his nose.

Taeyong went to the shower and ran some water in the bathtub, checking the temperature every once in a while. "It might sting your wound, so don't take a lot of time and be careful alright?" Taeyong kissed his forehead. "Alright Hyung" Jisung nodded. "Stay safe angel" Taeyong smiled at him and hugged him once more before leaving the bathroom.

Jisung stripped from his old clothing, as a shaky sigh left his lips when he sunk his body into the bath tub. He hissed at the sting on his wounds.

He took a moment to think about the activities that had happened in the past days. He had been caught, tormented, slept on top of his tormenter, and also made out with him, and was now taking a bath in his tormenter's bathtub.

Sounds dope.

He scrubbed himself, careful around his wounds, as he hissed every time the soupy water hit a wound. A few minutes passed with him just thinking about what had happened, as he sighed and got up. Whining at the loss of warm water, he wrapped a towel around his waist, grabbing the clothes which were set on the bed from him.

He changed into the shirt and shorts which were given to him, as he lay down on the bed, sinking into the comfort of it, stretching his limbs.

His eyes widened hearing a female voice enter his ears.

"Um, what is a rat like you doinghere?!" 


Are my chapters actually good or-?

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