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"Babe stop~~" Jisung shrieked, feeling Taeyong softly bite down on his stomach. Taeyong giggled, tracing Jisung's curves with his nose.

"You really love my tummy huh?" Jisung said, as Taeyong went soft at the word "tummy". Jisung really was cute. "Of course I do" Taeyong said, as if it was a worldwide fact. "Yongie the food is gonna burn~~" JIsung whined, as Taeyong pouted.

"One last" he gave puppy eyes, as the younger huffed. "One. Last." Jisung said firmly. Taeyong giggled, biting down on Jisung's stomach once more, leaving a small mark.

"Hopefully, we'll adopt kids soon since you can't get pregnant~" Taeyong teased. "Well, of course!" Jisung said.

"Did you think I didn't want to have kids with you?..." Jisung turns around and cups the others cheeks.

"I...I'm just nervous babe" Taeyong said, resting his forehead against Jisung's. Jisung sighed, lifting his chin up and showing the back of his hand.

His ring finger has a silver ring on it.

"See that babe? That's our ring. The thing that show's we're together. That we'll do everything together and be there for each other"

Taeyong smiled. God, he loved Jisung so much. He leaned him, giving the younger a long kiss.

As they pulled away, Jisung hugged Taeyong. "I love you so much Ji" Taeyong wrapped his arms around his lover. "I love you too Yongie" Jisung said without hesitation.

Taeyong was finally happy. Happy with the love of his life.

And nothing could change that.

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