
180 20 29

(tw//panic attack, implied abuse)
(Double update unu)

Jisung groaned as he felt his body being lifted. The elder felt the younger shake in his hold. "Sh, calm down love, I got you" he whispered to the male in his arms. Jaehyun and Lucas exchanged looks, as they smirked to each other.

As Taeyong walked down the hallway, Jisung let down an incoherent string of words. He was pleading, asking Taeyong to stop or at least to go easy on him. Taeyong fastened his pace to his room as Jisung's pleas got louder.

"Jisung, bubs, calm down" he whispered, putting the other on the bed. The youngers body shook, as Taeyong gulped, his mind running to places to what could be happening to the smaller.

"Please..." said the younger, as the elder tried to get closer to him. Suddenly, Jisung started jerking parts of his body back and forth, as his pleas got louder then ever. "G-Get away..." he yelled, feeling the atmosphere die around him.

"Jis-" Taeyong started, as the other pushed away from him, falling off from the bed. "I s-said get away! S-stop!" He yelled. "N-No more please!" he continued to yell.

Is this what one test had done to the younger? Taeyong felt guilt eat him up.

But why? He was the "emotionless prince" due to him murdering so many thieves and slaves in his tests...why was he so caring towards Jisung whenever he did something to harm him?

His attention went back to Jisung, who was now choking and pale white.

His oxygen- Taeyong looked at Jisung and bit his lip. "Jisung, honey, sweets, listen to me, breathe for me alright? Just...take a deep breath for me...don't think about what happened..."

He took a step closer to the younger with every word, as Jisung felt his breath ease. Until he felt the blade's burning tip across his skin once more. He felt his esophagus closing up, making it more difficult to breath.

Suddenly, Jisung felt a sweet voice fill his ears. His breathing slowed down, to the point where he could breathe normally once more...His coughing lessened, as he regained his sight, and the fogginess in his mind went away.

"That's right sweets, you're doing good, just relax..." Taeyong wrapped his arms around the shaking boy, who sobbed into his chest. Taeyong softly pulled Jisung onto the bed, as he rubbing the younger boy's flanks lightly, and kissed the top of his head.

He soon heard soft snores from Jisung, as he looked down and saw the sight beneath him...soft lips in a pout, his hair a mess, and his cheeks a dusty crimson color...

Cutie baby...Taeyong cooed, as his heart burned at the sight of the beautiful small male on his laps.


Was he falling for the younger?

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