Chapter 1

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I was on my way to see, well, live with my older brother. Almost being Christmas and all I had to go visit him. I really missed him, It's been a while since I last saw him. I jumped on my bed and grabbed my phone. I packed everything essential into my purse.

Two suitcases, one carry-on and one back-pack. I opened up my carry-on and walked over to my mirror and combed my hair. My hair was a light brown, perfectly wavy and kinda curly. I placed my mascara and eyeliner in my purse.

I cleared everything that was left. Last thing to pack was pictures, I only had three. One was one of my friends. The other was of my family at the beach three years ago before my oldest brother left. And the last one was of my brother and I.

We had like this special connection. When he left it felt like a part of me left too. I put the pictures in my carry-on and zipped it up. The time popped out on my phone, dammit I'm going to be late.

I slipped my phone in my pocket  and put the tickets in my purse.I grabbed my suitcases and rolled them out to my car.I  said one last goodbye before driving off to the airport by myself while cranking the music.

 I made to the airport dragging my bags behind me. I checked in while they took my bags. I was left with my backpack, purse and carry-on. The security line was about 10 minutes long, before I was released in to lobby B where I waited for the plane

'Flight 101 to Los Angeles Now boarding on lobby B exit 3.' The intercom rang after 15 minutes of waiting. I made my way over to the hostess at the plane entrance.. "Hello, ticket please." She said pretty bored. I handed her my ticket. "Okay here you go and you'll be sitting in 2B." She flashed me a fake smile.

I smiled back as courtesy, "Thank you" and slowly entered the plane

I found my seat, which was alone. Once I sat down, I started listening to music. The whole flight lasted about two hours. Once I arrived, I made my way to the luggage and claimed my suitcases.As I exited, I saw a short, tough looking man. He was holding a sign with my name, 'Alejandra Pena'. I made my way over to him. "Hey I'm Alejandra." I smiled.

He nodded nicely, "I'm Ranel."   

"Okay." I answered not knowing what else to say. He helped me with my bags and we entered a black car. The drive to his house was only 20 something minutes. During, that time, I figured out he was the boys security for the boys.

Soon, we made it to a two story house, a kinda Mexican style but pink-ish. But being Carlos he would say peach or salmon color. I got out and made my way to the house lugging my bags behind. I refused Ranel to help me. Now that I think of it, bad idea.

I walked up the stairs and knocked on the door carefully. A tall-ish guy, kinda of pale, but with beautiful brown eyes opened the door. His dark black hair was spiked up. "Hello?" he asked confused on who I was.

I smiled up at him, clearly I'm short to everyone. "Hey is um Carlos Pena here?" I asked.

He nodded carefully before backing away,"Yeah I'll be right back." He came back and Carlos appeared.

"Carlos!" I yelled happily and jumped on him.

"Ally!" He hugged me tightly and set me down. He grabbed some of my bags and dragged me in. Inside was a comfortable area called the living room. Except that there were three other guys fighting on the couch.

"Uh" I pointed at the guys kind of confused.

"Don't pay attention to them, So how you been?" He waved them off and flashed me a smile.

"Good and you?" Woah, starting things awkwardly with your brother.

He laughed, probably at me weirdness "Fine baby girl." All of sudden we were surround by the guys.

"Hey I'm Kendall" He was tall, blonde hair and amazing emerald green eyes.

"I'm James." The tallest, longish hair, but it looked perfect. He also had hazel eyes that were amazing.

"Logan" The last one said. He was the one that opened the door.

"I'm Alejandra but you can call me Ally." They nodded happily, Were they always this happy? Creepy.

"Hey Los, we're leaving. Don't forget tomorrow." Said, uh, James, yeah that's him. Carlos nodded and they hugged goodbye, aw they're close. They all left after saying their goodbyes. Carlos led me up to my room, where I started unpacking everything

Once I was tired, all I wanted is to drop asleep. One thing kept coming back into my mind. Logan, the one that opened the door. He was weird, It made me interested on finding more about him. With the thought in my head, I fell into a wonderful and well needed sleep.


Hey that was my first chapter of the story.

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