Chapter 7

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I woke up with a pair of strong arms wrapped around me. I turn around to see Logan calmly asleep. I smile and check the time. 9:20am The alarm clock read. Hm, it's still early. I turned to Logan and laid my head in the crook of his neck.

He shifted a little then continued his sleep. I relaxed and started drifting off to sleep again.


"Ally wake up" I heard someone's faint voice. "Ally wake up!!!!" That person said louder this time.

"Why don't you wake up evil leprechaun?" A different voice said. I heard groaning next to me. I opened my eyes to see three people around me. Who are you people? Wait they can't hear me. I laughed. Well now they can hear me.

"What's so funny?" One of them ask. I cracked open my eyes to see Kendall, James and Carlos surrounding the bed.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked in a groggily voice.

"We need you and Logan to wake up so we can go to the carnival!" James yelled.

"Plus we can bring Fox and Sydney!" Carlos included

"And there's food" Kendall added.

"Well why were you only telling me to wake up and not Logan?" I said as I sat up.

"because I'm already awake." I felt Logan's warm breath on my neck. I felt a shiver and jumped out of the bed.

"Jeez don't have to scare me!" I grabbed each boys arms and pushed them out the door. I closed the door and locked it.

"Wait I left my phone in there." Logan yelled through the door.

"I'll just save it til I'm done." I quickly got dressed in my Nirvana t-shirt and a pair of black ripped shorts. I slipped on my combat boots and put my hair up in a pony tail. I grabbed Logan's phone and opened twitter.

Hm, what could I do? I asked myself. I'll just tweet random things.

"@1LoganHenderson: I love my girlfriend so much. She's the most amazing person!!! :) <3"

"@1LoganHenderson: How am I so lucky to have someone as perfect as you? @AllyPena"

I then grabbed my phone and clicked the Twitter app.

"@AllyPena: Aww @1LoganHenderson You are too sweet!"

Soon there were tweets filling my mentions saying "Ally we know it's you tweeting from Logan's" or "Aww You guys are such a cute couple." Of course there was some hate but what am I going to do.

I took a picture of me from Logan's phone. and then tweeted it.

"@1LoganHenderson: #Hacked by the most amazing person in the world @AllyPena"

After about five minutes I could hear the footsteps coming towards my room. "Ally! you hacked my Twitter really? Give me my phone already!" Logan yelled through the door trying to open it.

"@1LoganHenderson: Phooey! Logan wants his phone back. Way to ruin the fun Logie :p" I tweeted and opened the door.

He went straight to the phone kissing it "Oh my baby I'll never ever leave you alone again." he said to his phone. I stood there and crossed my arms. He looked at me then his phone.

"Well this is awkward." He put his phone in his pocket and tried to give me a kiss.

"Nope save it for your phone." I said and walked out.

"Ally! I was just kidding! This phone means nothing to me! You're my one and only!" He yelled from the top of the stairs when I made it the end.

"Whatever Logan!" I turned around and saw the four guys standing there confused.Wait four guys? Dustin! Ally they still can't read your mind.

"Dust-! ahhh!" I yelled as I was about to hug Dustin but someone grabbed me from behind me and threw me over their shoulder.

I was then thrown onto the couch. I looked up see Logan hovering over me.

"Now do you want to take a picture together and post it on Twitter or keep ignoring me?" He whispered against my ear.

"Let's just take the darn picture." I said while pulling him down and placing a kiss on his lips. We pulled away and sat on the couch like decent people.

We suddenly started laughing. We got up and intertwined our hands.

"We'll take those pictures later. They have to come naturally. Now let's go to the carnival!" All six of us hoped into the van.

Carlos was driving and James was in the passenger seat. In the middle seat was Kendall and Dustin. Finally in the back seat was Logan and I. We were nicely cuddled up to each other.

I closed my eyes and laid my head in the crook of Logan's neck. He also closed his eyes and slowly laid his head on mine.

"Yo Logan could I borrow your phone." Kendall said from in front of us. Logan reached into his pocket without moving his position and throwing the phone at him.

After a few minutes. We heard laughing from infront of us. We both opened our eyes and saw they guys taking photos of us with Logan's phone. Kendall then tossed the phone at Logan. Logan caught it with one swift move.

"Now you just have to upload one of those photos onto twitter. Then you don't have to take one later." Dustin told us.

Logan looked through the photos and picked one of the last ones. He then started to upload it.

"@1LoganHenderson: Going to the carnival with this girl @AllyPena photo cred: @HeffronDrive"

I smiled when I got the mention. He leaned down to kiss me. But stupid Dustin had to throw a pillow at us.

"Where did you even get a pillow!?" I yelled as the rest of the boys laughed.

"Always have a pillow!" He yelled and acted like a superhero. I smiled and threw the pillow back at him.

"We're here!" Carlos yelled at us. Woah were we arguing that much that we lost time? Whatever. We all got out and made our way to the ticket both. Carlos and James had Sydney and Fox on leashes

"Today is going to be awesome.!" Kendall yelled once we entered.


Woo new chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~AllyConstancio

One Day (Logan Henderson) *Under Editing*Where stories live. Discover now