Chapter 4

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I made my way downstairs to see Logan with a blue button-up and beige jeans. He looked up at me and smiled. We went outside and hopped into his car.

I wasn't really sure where we're going. I guess I'll find out. I watched the town pass us by. We started slowing down. I looked out and saw we were outside Paramount. I looked over to Logan and he just shrugged.

He drove through the gates and parked his car. A little bit later a security golf cart parked in front of us. We hopped into the back and  drove for awhile, then ended up in front of a lot.

We entered and I couldn't believe my eyes. I was on the set of Big Time Rush. Everything was there. The Palm woods pool. The Palm woods. We walked through and exited through a door. There we were at the Palm woods Park. Everything seemed so awesome. We walked a little bit more and ended up at Rocque Records.

We entered the set and saw everybody. Chris, Stephen, Tanya, Ciara and Challen. We walked into the studio and there was the rest of the boys writing. I smiled. Logan had to go with them I sat on the couches surrounded by the posters.. I sighed.

Ugh I remember how Alex loved to point out the awkward posters. We watched the show whenever it was on. We never missed a episode. He'd run to my house when there was a new episode. It always was at 8.

I miss his smile, his hugs, Him. I looked down at my phone and decided to call him. hm, It's 3 here it should be around 6 there. It rang and rang and rang. "Hay this is Alex , sorry i can't answer I'm to busy with my girl. Leave a message after the beep" *beep* 

He should change his voice mail. "Hey boo! I miss you just wanted to hear your voice again. I love y-" *Beep* I sighed and hanged up this is going to be a long 4years without him.

+2Years Later+

I walked down the streets in LA. I keep thinking how in these two years a lot has changed. Logan and I have been really close, dating. Making headlines every month or weeks. Thinking we're dating... we never really confirmed it.

I smiled as I reached the Ice cream Parlor. Once I entered I noticed it was empty. It's kind of weird. This place is always busy. Then I noticed only one table in the middle with a red table cloth and two bowls. Logan suddenly appeared. "Hey A" He said and hugged me.

"Hey Logie. What's all of this?" I asked as we made our way to the table. He pulled out the chair for me and then made his way to his chair.

"Oh this? Just my way of saying Happy 20th Birthday!" I smiled and thanked him. Yup two years ago I was 18. Now 20. Logan isn't that much older than me. He's 25 now, okay actually 25 next month. Still. We ended up ordering some ice-cream and talking.

"So Ally, I need to ask you a question." He said abruptly. I nodded as my way of saying go on.

"Okay, Um Ally I really like you so I was wondering if you k-know w-would like to b-be m-my girlfriend?" He asked while stuttering. Hey what happened to the smooth Logan I know!

I kept a straight face. Then laughed. His face turned to one of worry. "W-why are you l-laughing?" He asked his voice cracking.

"Because you thought I would say no! Of course I'd be your girlfriend." I smiled. His face lit up. We both walked out hand in hand. While we were walking he would say something cute and made me blush. Yup he thought it would be cute to reenact the day he asked me to be his girlfriend. The rest of the guys didn't know.

I smacked his shoulder and he laughed. Then I stopped, He looked at me. I smiled and jumped on his back. He kept walking while keeping balance. I smiled as we almost made our way to Carlos' house. When we got to the gate, I tried to get off but he didn't let me.

We then made our way to the backyard. There I saw a huge cake with a big 20, presents and a jumper. These boys. This time I got off of Logan's back and thanked all the boys. We ended up partying. It was just us we didn't really needed anybody. Of course Dustin, Randy, Matt and Jordan were here.

I stayed with Logan more. Once everybody left it was just Logan, Carlos and I. I laid on the hammock with Logan. Carlos was on the lawn chair. "So when did you guys get together?" Carlos asked out of the blue.

I looked over to Logan and he shrugged. "A few hours ago why? and how did you know?" I asked. I wonder how long we can keep this hidden. One year together is a lot and they didn't know.

"It's easy to tell. Anyways you aren't that secretive."  Carlos said and then started to leave. Sure, he thinks it was hours ago. How about one year Carlos? He turned around and yelled "Use protection!" and ran into the house. I smiled and shook my head. We followed him in. Logan said bye and left. I was about to go upstairs when there was a knock at the door.

I answered the door there was a teddy bear with a card. I smiled thinking it's from Logan. I brought it inside and opened the card. The card stated. "Hey boo, saw you moved on I haven't. Happy Birthday! I'll always love you -AC"

AC? Who's AC? I guess I'll figure that out later.

One Day (Logan Henderson) *Under Editing*Where stories live. Discover now