Chapter 13

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There was a pair of arms around my waist. Automatically, I knew they were Vic's. I tried to pull out of his embrace but he was to strong. I sighed and checked the time, It was 8am. I need to get up and head over to Carlos' house. I heard shuffling from the other side of the curtain. "Help!" I whispered/yelled at whoever was out there. Mike and Tony poked their head through the curtain. "Get your brother off of me!" The guys chuckled and opened the curtain. Mike and Tony started moving his arms but Vic's grip just got tighter.

"Damn, he doesn't want to let you go! Hime, Kellin!" Tony yelled at the rest of the guys. Jaime and Kellin came and saw what was happening. They started laughing at me.

"Vic is a heavy sleeper. He won't wake up until 10, but I have an idea!" Mike started telling us the plan. Tony, Mike and Jaime are going to pull us out of the bunk, while Kellin catches me and Vic will fall to the floor. It's an evil plan but oh well. I saw Hime place a pillow on the floor as Mike and Tony grabbed Vic's and I's arms and feet. As soon as Vic was falling, he let go and I fell into Kellin's arms. There was a loud thud. I looked down and saw that Vic completely missed the pillow. He groaned and looked up at me.

"Why?!" He yelled while standing up. Kellin passed me into Vic's arms.

"Because, you didn't want to let me go! I need to go to my brother's house to get ready for the wedding. You wouldn't mind driving me? Anyways you have to go, too!" I explained to him. He nodded and placed me down gently. He started walking to the back room to get the duffel bag with our clothes. I turned to the rest of the guys who were eating breakfast. "You guys, start getting ready around 11:30. Be at the church around 2. Got it? Tony and Kellin, get these other guys ready!" Tony and Kellin nodded. Vic came back and we both left the bus into his rented car. The drive was pretty silent. Maybe it's because we're both really tired. We pulled up into his driveway and made our way to the front door. It was 9am when we arrived. Because it was him I knew the door was open. I turned the bronze knob and pushed the door open. I saw the guys watching TV.

"Hey, Ally! Vic!" Kendall came by and pushed us in. "Carlos should learn to lock the door!" He then repeated. "Okay, everybody's here! Let's get ready to get married!" Kendall yelled while pushing us towards the back yard. I started getting all the hair products ready and any make-up if they wanted some lipstick. Just kidding, that's for me.

"Okay, James you'll be first. Logan, go take a shower. Vic, can you hand me my bag?" I turned around and saw Vic sleeping on the hammock. Aw, he needs his rest. "Aw, he's still not use to tour schedule yet. Carlos, hand me my bag." He hands me my purple bag and I start combing his hair. "So Jamez, how do you want your gorgeous hair?" I asked.

He took a minute. "Um, spiked up, but soft." He gave me the best explanation. I nodded, somewhat understanding. I started on his hair. Then it was Kendall, Carlos and Vic. Logan came out and was ready. I then started working with his hair. As soon as I was done, the guys went to go change into their tuxes. I sat in the chair and started straightening my hair. I started applying my make-up, which was my usual eyeliner and mascara. Kendall and James came out looking all snazzy in their suits.

"Damn, guys, you look amazing!" I said while standing up. They decided to start posing, it looked silly but cute.  I pulled out my phone and started snapping pictures, the time appeared on the side of my phone. I got up and ran to get changed, we were about to run late. All the guys have made their way down. My feet were colliding against all of the stairs as I tried to make my way to the restroom. I picked up my blue dress and started taking off my clothes to put on my dress. I zipped the side zipper. The dress fell a little bit higher than knees. I placed my clothes in the duffel bag. I saw a grey sweater. I picked it up and threw it over my shoulder. This LA night is going to be chilly.  I walked downstairs and saw all the guys taking pictures. Logan was the first to notice my appearance. He smiled lovingly. The groomsmen were dressed in silver, also the best man, Kendall. Logan was dressed was in a white and black tux. Vic was wearing a red-ish plaid shirt with a black blazer and black dress pants.

One Day (Logan Henderson) *Under Editing*Where stories live. Discover now