Chapter 14 - Last Chapter

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Wedding bells were being heard throughout the church. Everybody in the building stood up and turned to the bride. She was dressed in her white gown that touched the floor. Her blonde hair was to the side in a braid. Everybody was in awe. The groom was at the alter awaiting his bride to be right next to her. His smile was genuine when she was right next to him. Is it possible to be in love with two people? He thought to himself as he turned to the other girl he supposedly loves. A pang of jealousy coursed through him as he saw her holding hands with her boyfriend. He turned back to the priest to start the ceremony. When it was time for the vows. Trish was first. She started getting sentimental, he grabbed her hand and kissed it gently. As she finished, Logan grabbed his vows and started reading them. He wrote them a very long time ago. Yet, they weren't meant for Trish. He could still relate them to her and have them mean so much. He noticed he was starting to tear up too. He may have lost the other one he loves, but he has Trish, some one he can cherish and love.

In the second row was Ally, Vic, Mike, Kellin, Tony and Jaime. Thoughts were coursing through her mind. If Trish didn't come back, I could've been marrying Logan. But she did, and I met Vic. Would Logan and I even lasted that long together? Maybe it was a good thing she came back. She had her attention drawn back to the alter when the priest started talking again. "Do you Patricia Perez take Logan Henderson as your husband in sickness and in health............?" Without hesitation, she answered, "I do." Vic slowly tapped on Ally's shoulder to get her attention. She turned to him to see what he wanted.

"One day that would be you and me up there." He whispered to her. A grand smile formed on her face. She intertwined their hands together and placed a kiss on his lips. Which he didn't have a problem to return. The only difference was that this kiss wasn't full of lust and desire. It was slow and passionate.

"Do you Logan Henderson take Patricia Perez as you lovely wife in sickness and in health...........?" Logan with some hesitation couldn't answer. He turned to the audience and saw Ally kissing Vic, happily. There he knew his answer. "Of course I do." The priest then smiled at the young couple.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride." The priest announced happily. Logan and Trish faced each other and started leaning in. The first kiss as a wedded couple. Once there lips attached, a tingling sensation coursed through him. The newly wed couple laced their hands together and started walking out to the small field in the front. Everybody started making their way to the field also. Everybody was throwing confetti at Logan and Trish. Excitement and adrenaline was now filling up in Logan. He realized, he just married a girl he was in love with since elementary.

"Can we have the couple, groomsmen and bridesmaids over here?" The photographer started calling out. Pictures were being taken and everybody was laughing. The guys and Ally were standing around, having a conversation about tour. She could kind of contribute because they make her come with. James came over and asked them to take pictures with. They all agreed and sat around. Pictures were taken and  everybody was posing, It was pretty awkward for Logan, while Ally could careless about what was happening. Everybody was now on there way to the reception at the beach.

*Ally's P.O.V.*

On they way to the reception, my hand was latched onto Vic's while he was driving. Mike, Jaime, Tony and Kellin, were in the back seat. The four of them were quiet, too quiet. I slowly turned around, only to have a paper ball thrown at me. Everybody was now laughing. "Hey Vic. What happened to Carlos and Kendall when they did the exact same thing these guys just did?" I asked pretty knowingly. Everybody's laughter died down.

"You wouldn't?" Vic said, yet it came out more as a question. I looked at him.

"You know I would." I said smiling and turning to the guys. There happy faces were replaced by scared ones.

One Day (Logan Henderson) *Under Editing*Where stories live. Discover now