Chapter 11

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*The next day, Friday. 1 day til wedding*

I walked up to Carlos' house. The five guys were trailing behind me. I knocked on the solid wood door. After a bit Carlos came out. He gave me a smile and attacked me with a hug. "I've missed you," He muttered into my hair.

"I've missed you too, Los." I said after we pulled away. He ushered all of us in. We started talking about what has happened while I was gone. I couldn't help but smile at my older brother when he talked about all the things he has done with Alexa. The PTV boys and Kellin went up to the music room to see if they can practice before the show, just because they don't want to do sound check over at the venue. Soon enough, the house was filled with James, Kendall, Dustin and um Logan. I jumped up and hugged the Kendall, James and Dustin and then gave an awkward hello to Logan.

"Yo, Carlos do you think we can use those instruments?" Kellin came down from the music room. Carlos nodded. "Good, we'll move them outside because we want to rock out a bit and rehearse before the concert tonight, which you guys are invited to." He ran upstairs. Soon, all the guys came with an instrument. Vic and Tony with a guitar and parts of a drum also a mic. Jaime with a base and an amp. Mike with some more drum sets and another amp. We all went outside and they started setting up. Once they were done the BTR guys and I sat on the grass.

"I want to dedicate this song to someone special, It's a Sleeping With Sirens song but we got Kellin so no problem. Um, so yeah we're adding a bit more of a heavy sound." Vic said. He started playing the beat of 'Stomach Tied In Knots' Once he started singing I was lost in his voice. I looked over to the guys and they were enjoying it yet, Logan had an uncomfortable look.

"Oh, my stomach’s tied in knot I’m afraid of what I’ll find if I can see you with him tonight" He sang directly at me. I smiled at him and he smiled back. Kellin was now doing vocals while Vic just played the guitar. His eyes didn't move from me and his smile looked like it couldn't be wiped from his face.

"Nobody else I can't live without you Oh-oh"  Kellin finished it off. Aw, I jumped up and hugged both of them.

"Dude, you guys never told me Kellic is real!?" I yelled at them. They got together and held hands.

"Vic I thought we weren't going to tell them yet?!" Kellin yelled at Vic. They were playing around now.

"But Kel I love you!" Vic mimicked a 12 year old fan girl. The BTR boys had awkward expressions. Kellin and Vic leaned in for a 'Kiss' then they pushed each other away. Right after Mike, Jamie, Tony, Kellin, Vic and I started cracking up. Yet, the BTR boys were confused.

"I'm not even going to ask" James suddenly said.

"I want to sing a song" I said to the guys. I walked over to Vic and whispered the song I wanted to sing and to who. He pulled away and smiled. He then walked over to the other guys, I suppose to tell them the song. Soon Vic was back to my side and all the band members had a devious smile on their face. "Good, I want to dedicate this one song to this one guy. Pulling a Taylor Swift aren't I?"

Mike started beating the drums, after the guys joined in with the guitars and base. "Sunshine, there ain't a thing that you can do that's gonna ruin my night. (Kellin: But, there's just something about) This dizzy dreamer and his bleeding little blue boy. Licking your fingers like you're done and, You've decided there is so much more than me. And baby, honestly it's harder breathing next to you, I shake. I brought a gun and as the preacher tried to stop me. Hold my heart it's beating for you anyway." I started off, Vic and Kellin did the screaming.I also changed all 'she' and 'her' to 'he' and 'him'

During the whole song I kept eye contact with the one who I'm dedicating this too, Logan. I guess I don't really like him anymore. They were just lost feelings. Soon the song was coming to an end "What's so good about picking up the pieces? Oh" I finished it off. The PTV boys started jumping up excitedly. 

"I have a plan! but I'll tell you guys on our way back to the venue which we should start leaving." Jaime said looking down at his phone. We all nodded and started picking up instruments, I went to grab the guitar but Vic beat me to it.

"Nope, you're not lifting a finger." He said and walked inside. I rolled my eyes at him and turned to my boys.

"Here's some tickets, don't be afraid to go." They were just sitting there looking at me. I handed the tickets to Kendall. He took them, I turned around to go to the car. I was then being lifted of the ground I was then set in between the boys. I hate being lifted off the ground!

"Why didn't you tell us you could sing!?" Dustin said immediately.

"I did but you guys didn't pay attention to me. Carlos you knew, I was in concerts. Actually you didn't, you were always to busy to go. Back in Miami I have all the trophies I won, but none of that matters." I said with no emotion. It was true I try telling them but they said yeah okay and went back to doing what ever they where doing. I always told Carlos I had a concert where I would be lead singing yet, he didn't pay attention. I tried to show him my awards but he would just glance at it and then say of great. The guys all looked sheepishly

"Okay what song was that you sang? and who did you dedicate it to?" Carlos asked.

"Caraphernelia by Pierce The Veil and to Logan. But I'm over you and I think I like someone else" I said and walked away. Tony was waiting for me He put his arm around me and led me out of the house.

*Logan's P.O.V*

She sang that song to me. I thought she was over me and was with Vic? I can't see her the same way I saw her 2 years ago. Now she's just a friend. a sister.When she said she likes someone else, was it Vic or Tony? Tony and her did leave together. But Vic and her did have their moments during their practice. Why do I even care?

I just can't believe she's friends with them. They're so scary! Like all of them are covered in tattoos, well except Vic. Tony has huge plugs. Vic has a nose ring! and the long hair, what's up with that?! Okay I think I'm over reacting. I just hate seeing her so happy with them, she was never that happy with us. She seems like a new person. I walked to the front they still haven't left.

"Ally?!" I called out. she turned around and looked at me. It looked like she sighed before walking towards me.

"Yeah?" She asked in a quiet voice.

"Do you want to spend time together before the concert?" i asked her with hope. She turned to the guys who were waiting for her. She then walked towards them, they started talking and Mike looked a little pissed off. She then got back to me and they guys got into the car and drove off.

"Yeah, let's go." She said. We made our way to my car. I started driving to anywhere. "Why did you invite me to the wedding?" She asked suddenly. What? I pulled over and turned to her.

"I didn't invite you, I think it was Trish. She thinks we were only friends nothing more. But of course I would love for you to go." I said to her carefully. She looked away, I could've sworn I saw a stray tear fall down her cheek carelessly.

"Okay, i'll try to find a dress in my suitcase Now drive to where ever we were going to." She said quickly. Hm, she has no dress. IDEA! I pulled onto the road again and drove to Misty's .

"What are we doing here?" She asked as we got out of the car.

"You need a dress and I'm going to get it." We entered the store. Damn, so girly. She started complaining on how she didn't want me to buy her a dress.She gave up and looked for one.

"I found one!" She ran over to the dressing room without letting me see it. She acted like a 6 year old and I couldn't help but smile. She came out looking beautiful, she picked a dark blue strapless vintage dress. "Do you think Vic would like it?" She asked looking at me hopefully. She does like Vic, It kind of hurt to see her like a preppy girl crushing on a guy.

"He'll love it. You look beautiful" She blushed and went to change out of it. We were now paying and leaving the store. She likes someone else who isn't me. It hurts but I did the same to her.

One Day (Logan Henderson) *Under Editing*Where stories live. Discover now