Chapter 10

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*1 1/2 years later*

"Warped Warped Warped!" The guys chanted as we made our way out to the grey tour bus that was easy to distinguished because of the black mustache. I smiled as we placed our bags in the bus and choose a bunk. I ran to the bunks and took the back middle. I heard all the guys groan.

"Ally really!?" Jaime yelled he then took the one across me. Vic took the one below me. Mike took the one next to Jamie and Tony took below Mike. Kellin took the one below Jaime. I smiled as my feet dangled off the side. Suddenly something grabbed my foot and I was being pulled down. I screamed as I landed in someones arms.

"Damn, Ally be more careful!" Vic started laughing as he placed me down on the floor. I smacked him on the shoulder

"Well you shouldn't have pulled me down!" I yelled back.

"It wasn't me it was Turtle!" He counter-yelled

"TONY!" I saw him running to the back room. I followed him and jumped on his back. Suddenly we were all yelling. Jaime and Vic were arguing about the bunks. Tony and I were arguing on why he pulled me down. Mike and Kellin was just sitting there recording this.

We all stopped and looked at him. "And this has been day one on the road. Our first stop is LA so see you there!" Mike yelled at the phone and then stopped recording. "This is going on YouTube." He smiled.  I got off of Tony's back and sat on the couch. Back to LA. I'll see my Carlos again! Yay! My phone started vibrating. I picked it up and saw that it was text from Kendall

 __FROM: Kendizzzle

-Hey boo! Heard you're coming soon! I can't wait, I've already stocked up on Holy Crap so we can eat together. Love you, have a good trip! xx (:

 ...TO: Kendizzzle

-Hey, Ken! Yup we have an hour left of the trip to go! Dude! Once I get there let's meet up at the park! What you think? Love you too!!!

 __FROM: Kendizzzle

-Foo Shoo! Only if you bring Vic, If not no!(;

... TO: Kendizzle

-haha I'll have to ask if he wants too!

__ FROM: Kendizzle

-go go go go go!!!!!!!!

 I smiled huge and looked for Vic. He wasn't here anymore. Tony was on the floor hugging a turtle plush toy. Mike was chilling on the couch and Jaime was sitting upside down. Kel was sitting next to Mike playing on his phone. "Hey, where's Vic?" I asked to anyone.

"In the front." Mike responded. I got up and walked to the front area, where there was a small couch, a small table and a small kitchen. Vic was in front of the counter making a bowl of cereal. "Oh, can I have some!" I asked/ yelled that made him jump a little. I started laughing.I sat at the small table looking up at him

"No, because you scared me!" He then responded. He then brought the bowl with two spoons. He set the bowl in between us and handed me a spoon. he started eating. Hm, why not I started eating too.

"Hey, Vic. When we get back to LA, do you want to go to the park with Kendall and I?" I asked him as I set my spoon down. He looked up as he was pretending to think

"Yeah, of course. We don't have any shows to play til, tomorrow. so yeah." He responded. I smiled and texted Ken back

TO: Kendizzzle

One Day (Logan Henderson) *Under Editing*Where stories live. Discover now