Chapter 5

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*Logan's P.O.V.*


As I left the house, i noticed that someone was making their way to the house. I guess one of Carlos' or Ally's friend. Whoever the person was, they were holding a teddy bear with a note. I hopped into my car and drove off. When I got to my apartment, a few blocks away, I took a quick shower and slid into bed.

+Next Day+ 

*Ally's P.O.V.*


I woke up around noon. I got dressed into a black tee, grey jeans and black converse. I picked up my hair in a pony tail and made my way downstairs. Once I got down all four boys were in their PJ's eating cereal and watching cartoons.

"Morning Boys!" I yell as I make my way to the kitchen. I grab the bowl from the cabinet and set it down on the dark brown marble counter. I opened the double door fridge, to find the milk. I grab the carton and check the expiration date, 2/13/13 Hm, Today is the 2/23.

I start cracking up. "BOYS!" I scream while laughing. The four guys walk in slowly and stare at me awkwardly. "Did you guys use this milk for your cereal?" I ask after I calmed down a little. They all nodded slowly.

I started laughing again. "Ally are you okay?" Kendall asks as he slowly approaches me. I try to clam down and hand him the carton.

"Check the expiration date!" I exclaim. He looked at the carton carefully. His eyes become wide as he rushes out of the kitchen yelling. I laugh as I jump on the counter. The other boys look at the date and also run out of the room.

I giggle as I make my way to the living room with an apple. Kendall was the first to come out.

"What a way to start the morning!" He says.

I nodded and laid down on the couch. "Hey Ally who was that person who came by last night with the giant teddy bear?" Logan asked as he entered the living room. Followed by James and Carlos.

"I don't know really. But the letter was signed by someone named AC. It sounds so familiar but I can't remember." I said as I sat back up on the couch.

"AC? Where have I heard that before?" James said. Everybody sat down and started thinking. Just Carlos he had a knowing look on his face. He looked up and we made eye contact.

"Carlos! You know who it is! Who is it?!" I yelled at him and made my way over to him.

He looked down, "Um, Ally. It's Alex." He said slowly and almost whispered the last part. Oh my god. It's Alex. How come I couldn't remember!? Alex. Ugh! He's back. Oh my, I can see his smile again, his laugh. His amazing brown eyes. Wait Ally focus! You have a boyfriend!. Hopefully I can be just friends with Alex. Hope fully!

*Logan's P.O.V*


After Carlos confirmed who it might be Ally drifted of to Alex land. I've always been jealous of him. Why should you ask? You're in Big Time Rush. A very Famous Actor and singer. Nothing compared to Alex, you say.

But he's everything Ally wants in a guy. An amazing, personality, nice hair, cute dimples and etc. I have none of those! Well not one beats my dimples. Still Ally could do much better than many. I'm way older than her. She's 20 and I'm 26. Yet Alex is 21. They would be perfect together!

"Logie?" Ally asked. I looked up and everybody the guys have gone quiet. Everybody was starring at me.

"Hm" I said trying to figure out their emotions.

"Yeah Alex might be 21 and a cool personality, hair and no one beats your dimples," She stopped and poked one of dimples. "But you're mine. I wouldn't care if he did something amazing. Right now it's you and I." She finished talking and the guys nodded.

Wait they can read my mind?!?! "Woah did you guys read my mind?!" I said while grabbing my head. Everybody started cracking up. Once they stopped.

Kendall said, "No! You just said it out loud!" I laughed along with them. We all forgot about the subject and scattered around the room watching cartoons.

After a while the doorbell rang. I turned around and faced the clock. As Ally went to open the door all I thought was Let Hell Begin


One Day (Logan Henderson) *Under Editing*Where stories live. Discover now