New Year!

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"Y/N! Hurry up! It's cold out here you know!" Atsumu shivered as he waited for Y/N under the snow. The two decided to get firecrackers and sparklers to start off the new year. It was entirely your idea since you were very optimistic of what the New Year brings. On the other hand, Atsumu was looking forward to wasting Osamu's money on useless items again.

"Alright- I'm out-" you ran out of your house whilst putting your winter jacket on "Wow- you're right- it is cold" yor put on your beanie "Atsumu!" you turned to your left then found Aki running up to the both of you. "Hey-" she turned to Atsumu "Sorry- did I keep you guys waiting?"

"Nope- not at all" she let out a sigh of relief "Wow- it is cold- hey- why aren't you wearing the scarf I gave you?" Atsumu shrugged "Uh- well- I forgot to wear it" Aki crossed her arms and pouted "It's really cold you know?" she scoffed then took her scarf off and wrapped it around Atsumu.

The sight of the both of them sickens you. You walked away "Oi! Wait up!" Atsumu and Aki ran after you. You rubbed your hands together to warm them up since your winter gloves haven't dried yet.

You looked at Atsumu's pockets and slowly shoved your hand in there. Atsumu didn't mind it. Aki glanced at you then tried to shove her hand slowly in his pocket until Atsumu moved away "What are you doing?"

"Well- uh- my hands are cold?" Aki smiled sheepishly at him "You have gloves" you snorted then the bus stopped by.

The 3 of you arrived at the mall "Alright- fire crackers and sparklers- that's it right?" you checked your list and nodded "Alright. We'll meet at the food court" the three of you separated then went off to buy what's in the list.

"Y/N!" you turned around and spotted Kita. "Hey- we meet again" your eyes traced down to his paper bag "Heh- it's a coincidence- anyways, what brings you here?"

He then pulled out a box of chocolate covered strawberries then handed it to you. His cheeks turned slightly pinkish as a small smile crept up his face "Well- I was planning to give this to you at school but when I saw you I got a bit excited and-" you chuckled at how adorable this boy is.

Atsumu spotted the two of you from the distance. His heart clenched at the sight but he didn't say anything. Aki went up behind him and peered over his shoulder "Maybe they're dating" Atsumu turned to her "No- pft"

"Then why did he give her chocolate? Why is he smiling like he's her whole world? Huh?" Atsumu went silent and thought about what she said "I mean- the school prohibits dating and Kita is a good student like Y/N- so" he shrugged

"What if they're dating in secret? What are you gonna do about it?" Aki pressed the boy "You know what? Let's just go back to shopping" he walked off feeling frustrated.

"I'll see you later Y/N! Byee" Kita waved and ran off. You walked to the department store and picked out some sparklers, fireworks and even snacks just in case you might get hungry.

"Alright- I have everything" the 3 of you raised your plastic bags "Let's go home" the 3 of you took a cab home since the busses are full and it was snowing "Wanna build a snowman?" the 2 of you looked at Aki "Sure- when we get home"


"IDIOT!" you threw a snowball at Atsumu and the team laughed meanwhile Aki was looking for a way to get Atsumu's attention. The volleyball team came over to your yard to have a snowball fight and make snowmen.

"GAH!" you turned to Aki who tripped. The team rushed over "Are you okay Aki?" "Aki what what happened?" "Aki-san is your ankle alright?" Aki winced and looked at Atsumu "I think I sprained my ankle" she groaned "I need help" she looked at Atsumu with pleading eyes.

"Ugh- come on" he picked her up carefully and walked into the house while you ran to the cabinets. Aki was whining about her fake injury while the team comforted the "injured" Kita walked up behind you "Need some help?" he reached the ointment you that was on the top shelf then handed it to you.

"Oh- uh- thankyou" he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. Atsumu, spotted the both of you and rolled his eyes "Guess you can't see the fire works" you placed frozen peas on her ankle then after a few minutes, you compressed the ankle with an elastic bag then grabbed an cushion to elevate her feet. "Heh- I'll be fine- I have Atsumu to keep me company right?"

Atsumu's eyes widened "I didn't say anything th-" "Perfect! I'll make you both hot chocolate and I'll take out the cookies" you rushed over to the kitchen followed by Kita right behind you "Can I help?"

He gotta admit, Kita was crushing on you so hard that Atsumu started to hate the idea of the both of you being a couple. "Alright- let's go" you carried the tray of hot chocolate carefully to the two until you stumbled spilling hot chocolate on Aki causing her to jump up immediately.

Kita caught you by the waist so you wouldn't fall. "Ohmygod- I'm sorr- wait...." the was silent as they looked at Aki. Aki acted quickly and pretended to wince "Ow- the pain" Atsumu shook his head then rushed over to you "Are you okay?" he noticed that Kita was still hugging your waist

"Ehem" he shot a glare at Kita "Oh- my apologies" he let go of your waist "I didn't mean to touch anything" you blushed then checked your watch "GUYS! 10 minutes!" the team immediately ran up to the rooftop "Alright- we'll just wait for the fireworks"

You looked outside and leaned on the rails and checked your watch. Kita was stealing glances at you the whole time while Atsumu was already staring. You were blushing under their gaze until the clock hit 11:59

"Just one more mi-" you flinched when the fireworks suddenly went off. You looked up at the sky to see a spiral shutter of magnificent colors, sparkling and painting the night sky. You smiled as "HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!"

Atsumu softly smiled whilst he looked at you. He rested his chin on his palm and sighed softly

"Happy new year baby fox" the team watched the dazzling fireworks as they started to think of their new year's resolutions

"Hey- what's your resolution Atsumu?" you turned to him. He brushed a hand under his chin

"To be somebody to someone"



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