Valentines Day! (1)

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After the boys did your hair, you thanked them then looked at your hand mirror and admired your hair "When I was a kid, I used to do my Grandma's hair" he plopped next to you then looked into the mirror and blushed. "Thank you Atsumu-san" Aki turned to you, showing off her gummy smile "I've got to say, maybe the both of you could become a hairstylist in the future" Aki stated, admiring her hair while Atsumu looked at both of you and Kita who was smiling brightly at each other.

"Oi Atsumu" he turned to Aki and gave him a thumbs up "You're better than Kita-san" she assured and Atsumu shrugged "Gee thanks" he stood up and his feet carried him to the restroom. He walked in and looked at his reflection, disgusted, he washes his haggard face and combed down his dyed hair with his fingers.

The boy always hated himself because to him, what he's doing was never enough for and he needed to work harder than ever so he could satisfy himself. After smiling at the mirror, he walked back to the table fixed his lunchbox "I'm going to practice my tosses" Aki stood up and also fixed her lunchbox "I wanna come with Tsumu"

You looked at the both of them then grinned deviously and when you felt Osamu stand up, you pushed him down and batted a wink at him. He let out an inaudible "ah" and nodded at his brother then the two set off to the gym. Walking side by side each other as the awkward tension between them grew. The two rarely talk to each other unless it's group projects or whenever Y/N is near.

"Atsumu-kun, are you okay?" the girl leaned to take a good look at him, her braided hair gracefully falling down her shoulders. "It's no of 'yer business" he opened the storage room and picked up a ball then started tossing it to the wall while the black-haired girl leaned on the cement wall.


Should I ask him? I thought to myself as my mind wandered off as I watched him toss. His eyes fixated on the ball, I wish he was fixated with me. I sighed and kicked a pebble causing Tsumu to stop and look at me for a moment "Ya' know, it's nice of 'ya to keep me company... but if yer' bored you can leave" a blush crept at my ears. It was the first time he acknowledged me like this.

"I didn't want you to be lonely so why not keep you company? You can always approach me when you have problems" he looked at me with a blank face, still grasping the ball. Oh, shit- is he looking at me as if I was a try-hard? I perked up, my toes curling in my shoes as anxiety built upon me. "Wow. really?" I snapped out of my overactive imagination and nodded.

"Hmmm... I guess I can take you under my wing now" he approached me, his tall figure shadowing over me "I'm sorry if I seem like an asshole to you sometimes heh" Atsumu placed a hand on the back of his neck and chuckled nervously "Soo- wanna hang out with us after volleyball practice? We usually got to- er"

"Ramen shop?"


"Hey Y/N, Aki wants to hang out with us after practice" You turned your head and found Aki smiling radiantly with her hands behind her back as her body swayed forward and backward. "Hmm..." This was a whole new feeling to you. Usually, you liked the feeling of being out of place because it makes you feel special and being the center of attention but now, since Aki decided to hang out after practice, you felt a slew of jealousy rising up.

"I mean- if Osamu wants too" you immediately snapped a look at Osamu hoping he'd decline "Meh, I'm fine with whatever" you turned back to them, faking a smile and nodded "Sure" Aki squealed then walked off with Tsumu behind her.

"Hey Tsumu, psst" you grabbed his sleeve then immediately went out of the gym "Hey what's yer problem?" you scoffed as your hand went through your hair "Why did you invite Aki?" Atsumu raised a brow as a smirk made its way on his face as he leaned closer to you. "Ya jealous~" an exasperated groan went out of your lips as you brushed past him and went back inside.

After practice, you swung your backpack from your bag and waited for Osamu and Atsumu to change. "Y/N, thank you for letting me hang out with you guys" you flashed a smile then you felt an arm wrap around your shoulder and their whole weight being shifted on you "Alright, ya ready to go?" the 4 of you then set off to the ramen shop.

You and Osamu were quietly eating your noodles meanwhile Atsumu was conversing. It annoyed you to see the both of them spend time together, laughing, cracking jokes, and even teasing each other. "Y/N, are you okay?" you snapped out of your trance then turned to Osamu "Yer' glaring at 'yer noodles as if it committed a crime"

"Oh- heh- You see-" Osamu turned back at the two then raised a brow at you "Are you jealous?" a wave of heat reached up your ears "No- I'm not! In fact, I don't care" you kicked back your seat and hopped off leaving money on the table. "Goodbye!"

"Y/N! Your noodles!"


Valentines day

Hearts decorated the schools, perplexed whether students would ask their crushes out, girls receiving chocolate and flowers while the boys cower behind their friends not wanting to show their flustered faces.

You entered the classroom and immediately walked to your desk. Empty. You looked around and there were treats and letters lying on other girl's tables. It made you feel left out "Y/N!" Aki ran up to you with letters in hand "I received some letters! What did you get?" you turned back to your empty table and sighed "Nothing, but it's fine. I really don't care anyway" you placed your bag down and soon, students started running out of the classroom which made you and Aki curious "Maybe someone is proposing?" you punched her shoulder gently "Stupid, no one in their right mind would propose"

The noise started to get louder indicating the event must be nearby. You didn't mind it though but deep inside you were jealous. "Oh my- Y/N!" you snapped a look and turned to the door to find the Inarizaki volleyball team standing at the door with roses and chocolates. You gasped as you felt your heart beating faster as the attention of the room averted to you.

"Happy Valentines!" the team greeted and you looked down, smiling as your overwhelming emotions controlled your cheekbones. "Thank you!" Kita walked up to you first handing you a stem rose and a chocolate box, then there came the rest. Treats and flowers filled your table as the team hovered around you except for Atsumu.

You lifted your head only to find him talking to Aki which made your smile fade away. What's this feeling? You were sure that you never had feelings for him but why does it hurt? "Hey Y/N" you turned to Kita and he flashed a smile at you "Be my girlfriend"

And the whole room went silent.

To be continued

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