Inarizaki Playfest (2)

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 You woke up amidst of an idea that popped into your head, not the alarm that you set. You turned to your right and found Osamu sleeping peacefully next to you. A pillow acted as a barrier between the both of you since all he could do for you is keep you company. The room's atmosphere was cold so you draped Osamu with the blanket you had and the first thing you reached was your phone. It was the closest thing that was next to you after Samu. You grabbed your phone and turned it on which was a big mistake because of the brightness.

You winced at the sudden adjustment of light that you dropped your phone and rubbed your eyes. "Shit" you shook your head and picked up your phone again, but this time, you turned the brightness down. "4:16 AM" school starts at 8 which gives you 4 more hours to polish the script. You went downstairs and got yourself a glass of milk and went back up to freshen up and finish the script.

In a span of 2 hours, you finally polished and finished your 20 paged script plus the original story you came up with. "Damn- I'm good" you gave yourself a quick pat on the shoulder and proofread the script just in case there's a correction. You were finally able to get yourself a breather and the class is gonna have a smooth flow of practice. You were thinking of stopping by a convenience store on the way to treat yourself with ice cream, you know it's too early but hey! You woke up earlier.

You got ready, uniform on and bags packed. You emailed everybody the script and left a note for Samu before leaving. "Bye" you whispered and made your journey to school.

Kita POV

"I like Y/N" grandma told me while I was washing the dishes "You should bring her over sometime" I nodded "Whenever Y/N is ready". I don't even know if Y/N is ready, they're a straight forward person and all but I'm not sure they're ready for this kind of relationship. I just asked her out of panic during valentines because I was pushed around by the volleyball team. "Hey grandma"

I turned to her "Hm?" I hesitated to ask "What if I'm not ready?" I said, looking down, not wanting to look at her in the face "Shinsuke, if you weren't ready then why did you court her?" she added, a hint of disappointment in her voice "If you are uncertain-"

"I'm not uncertain with my feelings- it's just..." I didn't know how to explain it. "I'm not sure on how to handle Y/N" I was so confused that I started to shake, "Shinsuke calm down" I'm trying. I maybe hold a calm distinction but I just broke because of my paranoia and anxiety. "Shinsuke, grow up and be a man" grandma said in a strict and commanding tone. "Refrain from chickening out and face it like a man okay? Just remember that you're feeling like this FOR NOW" she emphasized.

"Thank grandma" Grandma shook her head "You're like your father, very unsure of his feelings towards your mum but kept going anyway" I nodded "Do you think I could make this relationship last long?" Grandma chuckled "It's for you to decide son, if you want it to last longer then you cherish the girl and love her sincerely"


You handed the script to Atsumu the moment he got in the classroom. Your heart was pounding as you awaited for his judgement. He flipped through the script while mumbling to himself and you felt someone's presence behind you. You turned around and found Kita with his signature smile. He's adorable but you focused on Atsumu's opinion on the script.

"I don't like it" he said and you grinned at the thought of what he's going to day next "But you love it huh?" you nudged his arm but from his bland facial expression, he was serious "Oh" he sighed and handed you the script "I expected more from you, but I guess you couldn't reach the script to my standards" that hurt. His words pierced through your heart and head effortlessly.

"We don't wanna lose against Kita right?" he glared upon Kita who was standing behind you while you were looking down on the floor. "Hey uh- is the script ready?" your classmate approached and Atsumu replied to her "Y/N will work on the script because it isn't good enough for her." your classmate looked at you "Oh- really?" Atsumu nodded. He's become an asshole.

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