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"Be my girlfriend"

The whole room became silent and your jaw dropped, soon it started to become "Oooohs~" and applauds that filled the room. Is this actually real? You blinked twice while he waited for your answer. "GO ON Y/N! DATE HIM!" you turned to where the voice was coming from and your heart started to ache as you saw who it was.

"Y/N" you averted your gaze back at Kita and you could tell he was embarrassed "I'm sorry- I meant to ask you that later but it slipped out of my mouth and-" he rambled while the silent room placed pressure on the captain. To save him from the embarrassment, you kissed his cheek and smiled. "Yes"

The room burst with cheers and the team congratulated the new couple while Atsumu and Aki watched from afar. "Tsum Tsum, are you okay?" he silently nodded and walked out of the classroom and Aki didn't dare to run after him but instead, she joined the crowd and congratulated the new couple. "Is Tsumu okay?" Osamu whispered in Aki's ear and she just shrugged "We should give him space"

Atsumu POV

Walking out with a heavy heart was a mistake but still a relief. It's not like I hate the idea of 'em dating, sure it was all fun and games with Kita but... why does it fucking hurt? I'm supposed to be happy for my best friend... Fuck it.

I walked back to the classroom and faked a smile as I cheerfully ran over to congratulate the two. "Y/N~ my dearest best friend~ congrats!" I pulled her in a hug and squeezed her tightly knowing that I won't be able to hug her like this again because of Kita's supervision. "You're happy for me?" I pulled away and nodded happily then looked back at my captain.

"Take good care of her- Pft- I know you will" the teacher entered and everybody immediately went back to their seats and classroom. Lunch went by and the Inarizaki team welcomed the new couple. Kita has his arm around your shoulder and you were wearing the brightest smile you had.

"The couple is here- make way make way" Kita chuckled and shook his head "We're not married yet" you looked around the table and looked over to Atsumu's spot. It was empty then you looked at Aki's spot. Also empty too. "Atsumu and Aki skipped lunch"

"Ah okay okay" you didn't mind the two being a bit too close to each other "Alright- Kita, when are you gonna take Y/N on a date?" a blush crept up your cheeks as you hid your face in embarrassment" God these boys are acting like gossip girls

"Atsumu, you just can't skip lunch. It's bad for your health" the blonde setter ignored the girl and continued to practice his tossing "I don't care" Aki groaned and rolled her eyes "Is it because of Y/N and Kita dating?" Aki said as she opened her lunch box and ate her riceballs.

"It's not yer business wimp" the black-haired girl scoffed then crossed her arms. "Maybe it's you who liked Y/N or Kita"

The two bickered around until Aki finally proposed an idea "Tell you what, what if we date?" Atsumu stopped tossing the ball and held it with his fingertips then turned to Aki "I'm listening"

When lunch was about to end, the two went back to the table and you spotted Aki and Atsumu's arms linked together. You choked on your drink and shook Kita then pointed at the two "They're dating-"

"Hey-" you immediately stood up and dragged Aki away leaving the table dumbfounded. You brought her to the restroom and grabbed her shoulders "Are you both dating?" she nodded happily and you felt your insides rupturing "I just confessed" she said then blushed.

"Aww, I'm so happy for you" you pulled her in a hug and patted her bag "Can't believe that dumbass pulled a girl like you" she giggled "Thank you for supporting me Y/N" deep inside, you were given more reasons to hate her. But why would you be mad? She's happy, Atsumu is happy and there's nothing wrong with the idea of them dating.


The next day, you and Kita arranged for a date tomorrow and you were nervous, you messed up your closet to choose what to wear, you asked your dads for advice and you took notes and watched romantic movies and you ranted to Atsumu and Osamu and they clearly didn't care but they assured you that Kita was a fine person to be with.

You slid on your cardigan then looked at the mirror "Simple- and pretty- just how he likes" you then grabbed your flower hair clip from your jewelry box then clipped it on your hair. "Whew- this will do"

"Day 1 of being Kita Shinsuke's partner," you wrote on your notepad as you waited at the plaza. He figured that it was best if you both take it slow by just watching movies then visit night markets. You were excited and at the same time scared.

What if he bails you? He'd never do that right? What if he breaks up with you? You both just got together. You cursed to yourself until you heard giggles and laughs coming from the playground. You peeked over the fence and found Atsumu pushing Aki who was on the swing.

They look happy, "Atsumu! Stop!" Aki kicked her feet and Atsumu chuckled and pushed higher, being the tease he is. You noticed that his smile was brighter than ever "Y/N!" you turned around and found Kita rushing over to you with a smile on his face.

Your heart warmed up "Alright- let's go" Kita offered his hand and you gladly took it. What a gentleman "Alright- I'm paying for the tickets" "No I am" Atsumu looked up and saw you and Kita bickering as you both walked away.

"Umm Atsumu" he snapped back to Aki and she offered her hand "Why don't we go on a little date too?" he smiled and agreed."Let's go to the theatre," you said and Kita chuckled "I know a better theatre where we can go to" you squeaked as he suddenly yanked you and ran off. You were surprised but you let him be, "You like silents right?" your brows bounced and tilted your head as you kept running "Silents?" 

He brought you to an old decaying building and you saw elderly people coming in, in groups. "My grandma brought me here-" he was cut off when suddenly, an elderly approached the said man "Shinsuke" he turned around and found his grandma. 

"Oh, is this your date?" the elderly scanned you up and down then looked back at Kita "She's beautiful, my, Shinsuke has great taste" you blushed and hid behind him, you weren't used to receiving compliments because you'd get flustered even in the tiniest bit. 

"Are you planning to watch a silent?" Kita nodded "We're planning to watch  Make Way for Tomorrow"  the elder scoffed then punched him in the chest "Don't make her see that one" she warned "It's the most depressing thing in the world. I was upset for days" she dramatically flung her hands in the air. 

"Alright alright, why don't we go in now," Kita said annoyed, and you laughed. The dynamic between him and his grandma was adorable and you couldn't help but smile as you watched them bicker about which silent to watch. 

"My dear, did you know that Kita has an obsession with old and obscure movies" you laughed and Kita was embarrassed. Surely, elders loved to embarrass their grandkids in front of their date. "I just think they're neat-" "You just don't have a social life Shinsuke" 

After the movie, you learned a lot about Kita because his Grandmother would usually lean onto you and tell embarrassing stories and from the looks of Kita's face, he'll owe you an explanation once the movie is over. "See you at home Shinsuke- bring her over for dinner next time" the old woman waved and flashed an endearing smile at you. 

"Alright- where to next-" your eyes spotted Aki and Atsumu, their arms were linked together and Aki was hugging a plush toy in her other. "They must've gone to the carnival" you muttered and then you caught Atsumu's gaze on you. As they walked together, side by side, you felt yourself beginning to lose. 

What did you lose? 

You lowered your head and hugged your shoulders. 

"I really had fun today Atsumu-san" she giggled as she nuzzled her face on the plushie "Same here. Man, I had fun on our platonic date" she stopped as he kept walking "Platonic...?" her voice broke and he stopped on his tracks "Yeah, what do you think?"

"But I thought we had an agreement-" 

"Aki, a date is where two people have romantic arrangements" she became quiet "I'm just joking, come here" he opened his heart and Aki clenched her fists and walked the other way "Oh come on!" 

"Hmph!" she kept walking and Atsumu chased after her. 

Unforgettable |Atsumu  X Reader|Where stories live. Discover now