Inarizaki Playfest (1)

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"As you all know, the Playfestival is approaching and each class must present a play to perform" the teacher then made a poll about which play they will perform. Tragedy? Comedy? Romance? So many options bu2t since it's still the month of hearts, the class decided on doing a romantic play. "How about Romeo and Juliet?"

"Isn't that quite common?" Aki protested and their class rep started listing down what the students suggested. "It's either we're gonna make a parody or we make a play from scratch" you played with your pencil while the class bickered back and forth about their suggested plans. You didn't care and just went with the flow.

After exchanging ideas, the class has decided to make their own play which was a relief "People are excited for this?" you heard a mumble coming from Atsumu who was balancing a pencil on his lips "Tch" the class rep then started listing on the board the roles and point persons for each committee. "So we're going to be choosing our committees now and remember, those who don't participate will face the principal after the playfest.

You and Osamu then turned to Atsumu "Heard him?" "Seems like he'll have to find an excuse" he rolled his eyes and scoffed "Yeah right, shut yer traps pigs" you snorted to yourself and shook your head as you began writing your story ideas in your notebook while the class began choosing point persons and selecting their committees.

Being an introvert, you chose the playwriting committee, not wanting to take part as the cast. "Seems like everyone chose their committee except for Atsumu" the class eyed the blonde-setter, waiting for his answer "Eh- just write my name wherever, I don't really care" you facepalmed yourself and Osamu nudged him "Quit being an ass tyrannical pig" the class rep crossed his arms and raised a brow.

"Well?" he sighed "Put me in the casting committee" the whole class immediately snapped their heads to him with disbelief and Aki squealed in delight "What? You said to pick a committee and I did"

"Very well" he wrote his name on the list then turned back to the class "I want you all to be cooperative since we only have 2 weeks for practice meaning out time is only limited. Script writers, I'm afraid you'll have to do an all nighter" you nodded and the bell rang.

"Are you crazy? Casting committee" the lunch table's attention was on Atsumu who minded his business and ate his sandwich "You can't even lie properly" Aran laughed "It can't be that bad. Besides, if Atsumu joined the casting committee, it means he is talented" the word "talented" made Atsumu stop eating his sandwich and look down.

"Right Tsumu?" the male's words challenged the setter "Of course- in fact- I think I'm pretty good at acting" Osamu pushed his pudding cup at him "Mhm, sure"

"Oh come on! Y'all don't believe me?!" the table shook their heads except for Aki who wrapped an arm around his shoulder "Don't believe them- I think you're pretty good" you would've gagged at the view in front of you "I am pretty good" he slid her arm off his shoulder and scooted away from her.

"Imma bring this class to victory, just you wait" Kita raised a brow "It's not a competition" Atsumu shot him a glare "Well, I wanna challenge myself- Maybe I'm better than you all think" this boy has a god complex. You thought to yourself then you suddenly shivered from seeing the both staring each other down.

The tension between them grew stronger as they kept their eyes at each other as if they were reading each other's mind. Is it safe to say that this is just fun and games or was Tsumu challenging Kita to who's class would win. Aki gently kicked your feet under the table and pointed her mouth at the both. What should you do? You're not good at resolving fights.

"Oh come on guys, the point of the playfest is for us to have fun and make others smile. Not competition" you chowed down your sandwich, taking off the pickles. Ugh, when did the cafeteria start putting pickles in perfectly good sandwiches.

"Sorry Y/N" Kita stood up, and glared down at Tsumu "I challenge Atsumu" you choked on your saliva and dropped the pickle on the floor "E-eh" Aki face palmed to herself and the team didn't bother to stop the two "Fine" Atsumu felt a smug grin form on his face as he accepted his senior's challenge.

"We better hope ya don't come back crying when ya lost"

Kita scoffed and crossed his arms.


At that moment, you knew that you were going to have a hard time writing the perfect script to Atsumu's liking after he accepted the challenge.


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