Osamu to the rescue

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TW: Suicidal thoughts, self-harm, anxiety attacks.

"It's a bad idea to mix coffee and energy drink right...?" you eyed the contents of the beverages in your hand. "Oh no honey- don't do it" you turned to your dad who was staring at you with sleek eyes through the screen. "Oh no- they're gonna do it" your other dad walked up behind and you smiled sheepishly "Eh Eh-" you were gonna have a long night since you're gonna have to write the perfect script to help the class and Atsumu be the most voted.

"Y/N'' you turned to your screen and your dads held their fists up, as if they were saluting you "Fighting!" a smile curved your face as you raised yours too "Fighting" the call ended and the room became quiet and darker without the bright presence of your loved one. You hoisted yourself from the bed and walked over to your study desk while carrying your laptop.

You mixed the coffee and energy drink in your water bottle and added ice. "May the curse of writer's block not bestow upon me" you folded your hands together and switched to another tab then let your fingers dance on the keys. You typed the night away, ideas rushed in your head as music blasted from your speaker making the room a bit more warmer and livelier. Your notifications were turned off until 10 AM but something in you wanted to peek at your phone but you needed to focus. You have to admit, your attention span sucks.

"Maybe- just 2 minutes" you grabbed your phone and immediately checked the messaging app. The group chats were quiet as always and you opened Atsumu's chat heads.

Atsumu: Hey Y/N! Goodluck with the script:)))

Atsumu: Make it the best script you ever made okay?

Atsumu: We don't wanna lose against Kita-senpai aka yer boyfriend

Atsumu: Just exert your effort in the script and I'm sure that it's unique, especially coming from you.

Atsumu: Anyways, can't wait to see the script! Goodnight

You didn't know why, but those messages made you shift in your seat. Was it because all he acknowledges is the script and not you? You knew about Atsumu's hunger for being the best ever since the both of you were young but now, it's getting out of hand. You didn't bother to text him back so you just liked the messages then got back to typing until another notification popped up.

Osamu: Goodluck Y/N, don't overwork yourself and take things slow and steady okay?

The corners of your mouth lifted from his heart warming message which enlightened your mood and you then turned to your screen and cracked your knuckles. You read books as reference and you daydreamed a little about the knights in shining armor, rebellious princesses and complexed heroines. You wish you could be like them but in the real world, you're just a shy shadow. You took a sip of your mixed drink and the bittersweet taste explored your tongue as your heart started to palpitate.

Your feet kicked under your table as you feel yourself getting hyper. It was a mistake to drink the mixture but you had to finish the script for Atsumu. You jumped on your seat while your fingers aggressively typed on the board. Your brain filled with ideas until you started to feel light-headed and dizzy. A minute later, you suddenly felt afraid, your rampant heart inside your chest made you go uneasy.


Another panic attack.

I did nothing wrong today

You tried to comfort yourself until your blood pounded in your ears, your heart thudded in your chest as you shook violently. Your feet tingle, vision disfigured as you felt yourself slipping away. "F-fuck" you cursed at your sudden panic attack.

This started when your dads went abroad and you felt lonely inside your dark room. The room suffocated you no matter how spacious it is due to the lack of your dads comforting you. There were no drug stores in the vicinity of your house. God, you needed to calm yourself down. It was 11 PM and there was no one you could contact.

You chest heaved as your body shivered under your oversized shirt. Sweat beads formed on your forehead. "Shit-" you slammed your fists on the desk, toppling down your water bottle but good thing it was screwed tight. You wanted to call Kita but he's probably asleep, Atsumu is not good with these and is probably asleep too so you resorted to calling Osamu.

Your breath was uneasy as you scrolled through your contacts and your heart dropped down to your stomach when it rang and 3 rings later, he picked up which relieved you. "Y/N?" Osamu groaned from the other end of the line, "I'm sorry- did I wake you?"

Y/N you little shit you woke him up

"Mhm" you were unsure whether to seek help from Osamu Miya, the brother of your best friend. "What's wrong?" he got up from his bed and ruffled his hair. "Nothing- nevermind-" your tone was a bit down, a great difference from your cheerful distinction. "S'tay where ye are, I'm coming over" before you could open your mouth to protest, he hung up.

"Eh-" you sighed. There's no stopping him now, you slumped on your seat and tossed your phone on the table and rubbed the bags under your eyes. You hands were shaking as you pushed yourself to finish the script but your intrusive thoughts intrigued you to do something else.

No.... don't think about it...

You gazed at the cutter that's lying on your desk. You've been clean for 2 months and cutting again would make you start over again. You pushed the blade off the desk and continued to work on the perfect script.

The creaked open and you jumped slightly on your seat and you turned your back to find Osamu leaning on the door frame with his arms crossed. "Ya need me?" you couldn't turn back now or make excuses. You'd never forgive yourself when you dismissed Osamu in the middle of the night when he just came over. "Mhm..."

Osamu sighed and walked over to you, not knowing how to handle it. "If ya need emotional support or a shoulder to cry on 'an probably a punching bag too because my asshole brother wanted ya to write the perfect script" you chuckled and punched his chest playfully.

He purposely fell over on his back "And Y/N strikes again" you rolled your eyes and grabbed your water bottle "Who knew that energy and coffee could work-"

"Wait- energy drink and coffee...?" you fucked up.

"Y/N L/N GET OVER HERE!" he tried to pry the drink off your hands but your stubborn attitude pulled your hand away from him. "I NEED IT"

"Y/N!" he grabbed the drink out of your hand and tossed its contents outside the window. It became quiet, the tension became awkward and your anxiety built up again. "I'ma give you a piece of advice Y/N" you looked up at Osamu, it wasn't like him to be sentimental and all but this changed your perspective towards him. As a child, he seemed so cold and quiet and it's unusual for him to be sentimental or compassionate to other people.

"If you ever feel lonely, don't be shy to call me in the middle of the night okay? I don't mind. If Kita-senpai can't comfort you, neither does Tsumu, I'll be the one to happily comfort yer ass." The words that were coming out of his mouth gave you reassurance. "Oh- uh- really?"

He nodded "You're doing great okay? You're more than enough- and it's okay to break down and cry because you've been strong for too long. You don't have to go through this battle alone okay? I know it's hard for you to control your intrusive thoughts, but you don't have to inflict harm on yourself." he grabbed your wrists and looked at them.

"Your skin is so beautiful. I don't want you to damage it" you felt so warm and protected by Samu that you subconsciously walked over to him and buried your face in his chest. "Thanks dimwit" he hesitated to wrap his arms around you but he did anyway. You needed comfort and he was gonna be there for you. He won't be the sun of your day just like Kita and Atsumu, but he would be the moon of your darkest nights.

"I'm here for you okay?" you nodded and the next thing you knew, you finished your script and got in bed with Samu.


Author's Note: 

Sorry for posting this just now- and uh- I have nothing to say for myself and enjoy this Osamu fluff shit idk. 

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