Chapter 1:Survival

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"Membrane,calm's gonna be okay..."


"I know,my daughter is in there too..."


"I want to help...but the door was locked by the time we got there...."

"*sigh*fine...I guess your right.."

"Well,since we can't get their....There's noting we can d-

"Stan?Hey Stan,you okay?"

"Wait..what the hell's robin doing there..."

"Oh that guy,I thought he-...holy crap he's there.."

"Wait....wasn't he expelled?"

Chapter 1

Enter through the doors of despair

Daily life

As we all stood in fear of what happened infront of us all.The blood of robin's corpse bled on the floor soon bringing the atmosphere down.

"W-what the hell??"Dipper said in fear at the corpse infront of us

"Thi-this has to be some sort of joke right?Right guys?!"Dib said looking at robin's dead body.

"Um...Can somebody check the body?!H-he may not be dead!!"Steven said asking one of us.

"Fine...I'll do it-you guys need to step u-......"Tulip touches robins body and stood back frozen in fear and nausea.

"Hey?Tulip?Tulip is something wrong!"I asked her worried.

"oh god I think I'm gonna be sick..."She muttered holding back her disgust.

"So?Is he okay?"Star asked her.

"No....he's dead..."


"Wait...So he's actually dead!?"Gumball said tensing up.

"Of course dumbass she said that and he's obviously bleeding!"Cartman said yelling at him.

"Holy crap.I thought that bear was lying..."Zim said so-called but with this grin on his face.

"*sigh*Well...that didn't turn out as planned..Well sorry about that folks!But hey!now that he's out of this game,it's back to where it would start!16 ultimates!"Monokuma said wiping the blood off his body.

"Wait 16?I thought robin was a student here!"Mabel said confused.

"Nope!He wasn't even supposed to be here!All we know is that that was a faker!"Monokuma said chiming to us.

"Wow the guy was so miserable he decided to sneak into this place..."Cartman said sarcastic.

"Yep!He wasn't even suppose to be here.Now that that's over,let's see some extreme murder up in here!!!see ya!"He said disappearing behind the stage dragging robins body only leaving a appears and blood in the middle of the gym.Soon the whole room was filled with silence...Everyone was scared except cartman and zim.

"Guys I know what we're in is a hard situation,but we all gotta survive!We can't let that dumb bear win!We gotta survive this killing game!"Blossom said motivating us.

"Yeah I agree!Theres no way I'm letting that damn bear kill us all!"Dipper said agreeing.

"Yeah same with you dipper!"Mabel supported him.

"There's no way I'll let that bear end my reign of TErrOR!!!So I guess I have to join in.."Zim said sighing.and just like that we all joined in,there's no way I'm going to d-

"Ok..I'm going to stop your little party blossom.I don't agree...besides...I'm the only one who's willing to murder.."Cartman said disagreeing.

"Wait what the hell do you mean?"Charlie asked.

"Listen...the world is full of all the fucks I can give..So I can just watch you all die.."Cartman said chuckling.

"What so your saying you don't even care about this game?!"Anne yelled.

"Yes..I don't even give a fuck...have fun getting stabbed in the back."Cartman said walking out go flipping us off..

"Jesus Christ what's with that guy..."Dib said annoyed.

"Yeah and I don't like what he's thinking about..."I said back before it became silent.

"he just a insensitive little prick..."Steve said muttered under his mouth.

" I suggest that tomorrow we split up...That might be the only other way we can find a way to get out of this place..."Charlie said Suggesting.

"YeahI think it should be groups of 5 and search around the place..who knows what someone might try to do if it was two.."I suggested.

"Yeah,seems right...ok,let's start dividing."

"Alright,group one is Luz,Anne and Me,Group two is Mabel,Dipper and Zim,Group 3 is blossom,bubbles and Steven,Group 4 is gumball,star and Charlie and group five is Steve,Spongebob and Nikki."Dib explained.

"Kay,hey guys let's go!"Mabel shouted grabbing dipper and zim.

"oh god I already hate her."Muttered zim.

"Alright,guess we can start searching..."I said.

"Yeah let's go!Guys!"Anne told us both.

To be continued

*Hi,so there is a new chapter of cartoonronpa out...check it out*

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