Prolouge part 2:A Killing Game?!

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Unfortunately part 2 of the prologue was delayed due to school and with the bullshit of 2020,we at Jxstaceystudios are sorry for the 3 month delay you had to wait and promise to publish more chapters within 2021 at most....


Probably not.

Embrace despair!


"Ow!!!!!!"I bumped into someone as I turned the corner and fell on the floor.I grabbed my forehead feeling the biggest pain on it.As I got up off the ground I looked around to see who I bumped into and soon I looked down and saw that green guy.

"Oh sorry about th-


As I tried to help him up,he instantly slapped my hand away.

"Hey!I was trying to-

"You dare try to apologize to mE!!!"He said starting to get mad.

"Wait..Hold on I was the one that bumped into you in trying to-

"No!!!You don't need to apologize.You shall face the my wrath of ReVengE!!"He said pointing at me.

"Look I haven't got to know you!Also what do you mean by revenge??"I said back then asking.

"Huh?So you haven't heard of the might irken race?!"He said asking me.

"Not reality.I mean you look like a Ordinary kid besides the green skin."I said sarcastically.

"oh for christ's sakes-IM A ALIEN!!"He said yelling at me.

"Says the guy talking to a witch..."I said silently.

"*sigh*Fine..I'll show you!"He then proceeded the take off his eyes to expose his red alien eyes and hen he took his hair off to expose some weird antennas.

"holy crap your a actual alien."I asked both in awe and shock.

"Yes that's true now what's your name witch?"

"It's luz.Ultimate Witch's Apprentice."I told him.

"Well luz,i am the Allmighty Invader ZiM!!!The Ultimate Alien."

Zim(Invader Zim)
Ultimate Alien

"Now excuse me but I'm gonna find a way out of here."He said walking off.

"Yeah good luck..."I said silently.(kay,now that that's over time to actually head over there.Oh there it is!!I opened the door to see a whole room full of 16 laptops.I walked around the area to see two people a boy and a girl looking at one of the computer's.

"C'mon!!!Connect to the internet!!!I haven't been on a laptop for God knows how long!!!!"The girl said repeatedly clicking on something in the computer.

"Well maybe clicking on the thing over and over won't solve anything"The guy in the pink jacket said to her.

"Look,when I was at that place..My phone died!!This is my chance to catch up on everything I missed!!!"She said starting to yell at him.

"Hey,is something wrong?"I asked her suddenly getting into the conversation.

"Yeah!Well for starters I'm trying to connect to the internet since my phone is dead and....and......You heard me didn't you?"She said suddenly getting embarrassed.

"Yep.I wanted to check out this room and I saw you two talking."I said explaining to her.

"Yeah she's right.I practically saw you come in while we were talking."The guy said taking to me.

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