Free-Time Event:Dib and Anne

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(These are the first free-time event chapters for cartoonronpa...Note that these may be short)

Free-Time Event

I walked out of the kitchen ready for my next move...That's when I realized...I didn't!I mean everyone has gone off to do there own thing...So I should hav something to do in the meantime...So I should go have our with someone or get to know more about them!....or I could just go to the computer lab and see if I can connect to the internet....Yeah that's a better idea....I headed for the lab to see if I could connect to the internet...I mean,I haven't touched a computer an days...So I headed inside the room to discover Anne mashing the keyboard in an attempt to try to get a computer to work.

"Come on!!Come on!!I've been trying to get you to work!!WHY AREN"T YOU WORKING?!"Anne yelled as he mashed almost every key on the keyboard..Anne was about to grab the keyboard and slam it across the sreen in a rage until i walked.

'Hey what are you doing?!'I said before she salmmed it against the computer.

'Oh hi luz!um,lets never talk about what i was about to do......How are you?"She asked trying to act normal after she almost destroyed the computer.

"Yeah....what are you doing?"

"Well I was trying to get on the internet to see if I can get help....But it only seems that the DVD player works....I managed to log in,but there's no internet..."She explained.

"But you were about to smash-


".....So are you busy?"I asked her.

"Not really,I'm pretty do you want to hang out?

"Yeah I'm free..."

"Good!So want to hear a story?"

Anne then proceeded to tell me story on how she got her talent and how she ended up in the situation.

"So  I fell asleep and then I woke up in the classroom with you guys..."

"Wow!I never realized how our stories are sorta similar..."I said thinking about how I ended up in the boiling isles.

" you think it's weird that the two of us got invited here when we had no way of getting back home?"asked anne.

"Yeah...I mean it's no like hey had a intergalactic portal that sent them different places...I mean...what's the possibility of that?"I responded sarcastically.

"Or this is a dream and this is basically someone's revenge fantasy...."Anne mumbled.After a few seconds of silence it had turned to laughter.

"Oh that's pretty funny.....but yeah its weird that someone brought us here.....we'll probably find out later...see ya luz!"Anne said as she left he computer lab...she's right,it does seems weird that some of us probably had no way of getting back home....I guess we may find out later...

Anne's Relationship with luz has been updated on her report card:Status:Classmate

Hope Fragment 1/6 earned for Anne(Shape of a frog)

I should go search around the other side of the school for the other's...I walekd around to find empty halls,I stopped by the kitchen and saw Cartman arguing with spongebob about food...Dipper was following aim around to see if he was doing something weird...Nicky was being reckless and Steve.....he was trying to impress some of the girl's.I went around to where  the trophy hall was and found dib staring at a photo of what seemed to be his dad.

"Damn it dad......why did you bring us here...."he muttered ti himself pacing back and fourth.

"Hi dib!uh...."

"And why did robin die that early...was it planned...."he kept muttering to himself.


"Hell....mayb zim planned this-oh hey luz....don't tell me you watched me mumble for that long...."Din mumbled then turning to me.

" was weird."I said awkward.

"ugh...That's What they all say...So have any plans?"He asked.

"No not really,I just finished talking to Anne in the-

"Good so I have something to talk to you about!"He said.

"Oh...ok that's fine.."

Dib proceeded to talk about theorys on how we got here and some ways why robin felt like he was

"So maybe robin wasn't suppose to be here and then he had someone in his place!"He said after 40 minutes of talking.

"Ok!Ok dib!I get it!"I said  trying to get him to stop.

"Yeah yeah I get it....but there's so many lose why was he here only to die in one day?!"

"Didnt he break the rules?"I asked bringing on of the rules up.

"Yeah...but we just found out today!It just doesn't add up!"Dib yelled.

"I mean we barely knew anything about his death....maybe we'll find out some time later..."I brought up.

"Thats right....up have a point...maybe it'll come back up sometime as the game goes on...."Div said finally slowing down with the theories.

"(Thank God)"

"Anyway thanks for talking luz...I gotta go find zim to see if he's not doing something crazy"He said running off.

"Yeah see ya!"

Dib's Relationship with Lux has been updated on his report card


Hope Fragment 1/6 earned for dib(shape of his head)

Ding Dong Bing Bong


I looked up to see the cctv turn on to reveal Monokuma in his office.

"Attention students,I'm getting bored of watching you get along...I think it's time to switch things up ...It's time for me to tell you all about the announcement I wanted to tell you all!make your way to the gymnasium so we can discuss it!"

"What is he talking about?....."I wondered as the cctv turned off.I stood there wondering if it was a trap or not..screw it....might as well go on.

To be continued

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