Prologue part 1:Cartoon Charecters,welcome to your new life!!

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(Best play Audio when reading after the introduction)

"Hello?Can you hear me?Ok Good.Im C.I.A agent Stan Smith and I'm glad all (Static) of you to attend Hopes Peak Academy!!!We have partnered with Prof Membrane,Prof Utonium and (static) to make this all happen!We all hope to see many students with weird,unique and (static) talents.But this is different from the old school,We will be scouting for (Static) (Static)!!!We expect to see (static) from all universes!!!With that,thank you for watching...And Reach for the stars!!!"


"Oh your wrong smith,they will see.....Despair....."

(So this is the place....You know,I don't remember the last time I've been here,but here I am...Hopes Peak Academy,All sorts of students came here and here I am now...At the first one outside of Japan.And that's where I'm at right now.)

(30 minutes earlier)

"Hey kid,you sure you this is a good idea,people are already kinda freaked out about your talent..."

"Trust me Eda,I know what I'm doing.Nothing bad is gonna happen,ok?"

"*sigh*Alright...Well good luck kiddo.."

"Thanks!!!I'll need it."

                      (Back to the present)

(Well,it took a long time...But I'm finally here,about to meet the new ultimates of Hopes Peak,Oh! I didn't introduce myself yet!)

"Well,I guess everyone has to introduce theirselves at some point...But I'm not that good at introductions but I guess I have to do it.Im Luz Noceda.Don't be freaked about my talent,but I'm the Ultimate Witch Apprentice.Its kinda hard to explain how I got it without someone freaking out and I'm kinda surprised it's an actual talent and I wasn't rejected but,here I am...."

"ok...Enough standing around,time to get in their..."I said to myself.

(I began walking toward the gates of the academy feeling pumped,I finally stepped past it but then,I felt this strange feeling like i had been paralyzed...and after a few seconds....)

Everything went black............

Prologue:New Students of cartoons,welcome to despair academy:Start

"Uh my head...."I said waking up.

(I slowly gain back conciseness to find myself I face down on a desk...I slowly looked up and saw...A room full of ultimates)

"So,do any of you remember how you got here?"

"All I remember is going to sleep last night and now I'm here..."

"W-who are these people?"

"I don't know...Is this hopes peak?"

"So are we trapped here?"

"Yeah,we cant open the door"

(So are these the new students of hopes peak?They all look weird..)

"Oh hey,she's awake"

"So now that she's awake,that makes 16 of us..."The guy in glasses said looking around.

"Yeah but none of us know who each other are!"

"So..Do any of you remember what happened?"wait...a talking cat?

"Nope!!!All I remember is trying to-

"GHA!!!!Whats with his skin?!The floating girl screamed

"Huh?Is something wrong human girl?"The guy asks skinned?

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