Probably gonna re-write the story

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Hey guy's,king time no see...So it's been a few months since the last free-time event/chapter of Cartooronpa...and as you know,I have been busy...School started back this week,I've been working on my owl house story and working on a Amphibia one which will be out in November,I also have Vgidr,A invader Zim story and A new Fanganronpa that I'm also working on,and I've been too busy to write Cartoonronpa and My Danganronpa fics because of One Bizarre Summer and my upcoming Amphibia fic which is probably why I've been silent on the fic for like nearly a year and your probably bout to think I'm gonna cancel the fic....Well I'm here to inform you guys on what's gonna happen

So....Here's whats gonna happen....

I'm probably gonna re-write the fic!

Yeah you fought I might need to change was ,so here's some things that are gonna change

The story will be set on Jabberwock Resort,a remote getaway resort in the middle of the ocean designed for the summer and winter built by The Membrane Corp and C.I.A for 16 Ultimates in 16 different universes(more will be elaborated),They will be a key part on how the killing game will go and Dib will be important to it....

There will be four protagonists over the fangan

Luz will be the main character but she'll have chapter 1,3,5

The next protagonist will be Anne,She'll control chapter 2,3,4,she'll take over deadly life for chapter 3,2,

The next protagonists will take over for deadly life for Chapter 4 and 5 which are Dib and Dipper

Mainly it'll focus on Anne and Luz inside the Killing Game

Usami may appear in the fic but probably not....

I may replace a character or two

Robin still gets GOT(killed) in the prologue so that won't change,I mean it's not like he's not actually dead,right?

So expect the first chapter of the re-write to be out in December....And probably a better or original chapter 1....


Coming December

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