Extra 3: Life Goes On

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"Leave? What the company?"
Jungkook's face was a painting of utter shock. Of course, one of your closest friends would be one of the first you told, the hardest conversation would be with Woozi for sure.
"More than that, the entire business"
He smirked slightly while poking the inside of his cheek with his tongue, "what are you gonna do for a job huh?"
That was a question you had no answer for yet. Not sure that your skill set would be appropriate for the average job, you had started to look online for all the types of jobs out there. Your destiny was undetermined.

"Who knows kook... I can live a normal life"
He sighed, leaning his back against the wall behind him, "you'll never live a normal life, you know that right, Y/N?"
Jungkook didn't need to explain anymore; you had experienced this subconscious thought already. If you wanted to interact with anyone from the team here, you'd be put at risk if they were part of a mission. If any rivals out there wanted to track Yoongi or you down for things you had done in the past, you'd be at risk living a normal life. The only ones who could protect you, if you left the company, would be yourselves. That's how the rules had always played out previously. You'd seen people come and go from your father's company but over 70% of those who left ended up captured or dead at a later date due to their activities with the company.

If you were being optimistic, then you could be in that lucky 30%. However, there was a high chance that you would never see Jungkook's, Hoshi's or anyone else from the company's faces again. You didn't know what Woozi's rules were like but there were doubts in your mind saying they'd be similar to those of your father. What made the situation worse was that you were still at the top of your game in the industry, still able to fight with the same strength. It was just that your passion had faded.
"I have to try" you muttered.
Jungkook took you into his embrace, "it's been fun little boss, no matter what"
You nodded, Jungkook had been by your side throughout it all and you could never thank him enough for that. As he walked away, you noticed he headed to the dorms instead of to the training room where he was originally heading. He must have taken it harder than you thought.

"It's gonna be boring with you gone" a new voice called from behind you. It was none other than the best recruit in the current roster, Yeonjun. He was top of the board in all aspects and had completely replaced Yoongi as the best of the best. The boy was a lot younger than you and despite being new had proven his worth. The pair of you weren't exactly friends but you had a mutual respect for each other.
He continued, "there won't be as much drama"
You sighed, "spying again are we?"
He pushed himself forward from his position to come directly face to face with you. No matter the attempt, he could never intimidate you.
"You know me, Woozi's number one."
"So you don't even need me or Gigi"
He huffed, "skill wise, no, like I said you're great entertainment"

You questioned him further in terms of directly what he was referring to, not wanting to beat around the bush anymore. He explained that when you would argue back to Woozi or have a heated discussion, many people heard about it, including Yeonjun, who found it highly entertaining.
"I doubt there will be anyone else around who will talk to him the way you do" he began to walk off but stopped when he was in parallel, by your side. Tapping your shoulder he muttered, "but for what it's worth I'll miss you anyway"
With that, the younger boy sauntered off, probably to go train. That was definitely something you would always have a love hate relationship with, training.


"You can hit me harder little boss"
You were punching Jungkook with all your might but the boy barely moved, it was as if he was made out of steel.
"Kook, I'm not holding back as it is"
Continuing to throw your hardest hits at the boy proved futile, he didn't flinch.
"Am I actually hitting hard or did you buff up since we last did this?" You asked, mainly for your own sanity.
He smirked, "your father said you needed someone tougher to beat, so yeah, you could say I've been to the gym more often"

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