Extra 2: Back in the field

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A/N: thank you all so much and like I said before I'll keep adding extra chapters outside of the main story as I had an idea for a sequel but didn't like where it went but again thank you so much.
This does involve violence and stuff so read at your own risk.


"There's nothing to be nervous about, it's a simple job" you reassured Felix.
The Aussie boy had unfortunately been denied from taking on various missions, the first he was denied from was the same one you had been denied from. It made you feel worse simply because you had chosen him, thinking he was capable enough. The report came back quicker than you expected for that mission with a big note on the front saying 'I have a reputation to maintain, Lee doesn't leave'.
Felix had been out for missions since but this was his first one of this scale, and for once, you and Yoongi weren't leading it.

Woozi has determined that you would two would be a part of the leading team but that you would not be the boss of the operation. That job was left to a man called Jin. You had no idea if that was a nickname or his full name but for now you were under his orders.
A van load of you had been sent down to one of the outskirt areas where a gang had started building a base. The records Woozi had on them specified that they weren't in the business for money but for the kills. Their desires were simple: kill for sport, no matter who it is. That alone made you feel sick.

It felt like a lifetime ago that your father had been killed, 5 years to be exact. Yet, here you were, on the frontlines of a big mission, where you truly learnt to kill. The only real reassurance was Yoongi by your side. Woozi made you leave your engagement rings back at base as anything like that could be seen as a weak point in the operation, especially if we were captured or interrogated. It was all erode case scenario but you both knew it was true, no matter how much it had hurt when he ordered you to. There were no plans as of yet for a wedding but in this type of business, you wanted to take things carefully.

Speak of the devil, said boy placed his hand lovingly on your thigh as you sat side by side in the back of the van. There were seats either side so that all of you in the back were sat side on to the direction of travel. Just that fact alone had you thinking back to the last time you were like this, that, now that was a while.
"Stop phasing out Min"
The sound of Jin's voice boomed at you, the man wasn't driving but sat in the passenger seat next to Jungkook driving. Though all the stuff with your father had phased out years ago, it was much safer for you to take on Yoongi's last name when referred to on missions. It didn't happen often but something had to be done. Again, Woozi's request.
"Sorry sir," you spoke flatly.
"Well just to make sure none of you go into any sort of day dream," Jin started, "let me run you through the plan"

It was pretty simple. You split into 3 teams to cover each of the main exits. The teams would then split into two, one attack, one defence, and you would advance to surround them. Hopefully. Once the targets are acquired, Jin comes in and speaks to them before you all open fire. Your team were covering the south exit; Yoongi, Felix, Soobin, Arin and you. Soobin and Arin worked well as a pair and so would hold off on the defensive side while you, Yoongi and Felix would attack. You just prayed that Felix would be up for it.

Time flashed by and your group split up ready for the mission ahead. You were all by the south door.
"Scope ready"
Soobin had a sniper while Arin had two hand guns, they were definitely well equipped. The three of you left them by the door and continued on, checking each room as you walked past. Luckily, they were empty. You continued on and could almost hear the gun rattling in Felix's hand as he was extremely nervous. Yoongi lightly patted him on the shoulder, "it'll be ok, you've got us remember"
The Aussie boy lightened up just a little while you smiled at Gigi's encouragement. You had really brought out the best in him.

Another footstep brought you into close proximity to voices, faint voices, but enemies nevertheless. In you ear piece, you heard Jin's whispers, "all teams secured?"
Yoongi whispered back on your behalf and you waited for the order.
Yoongi sharply kicked one of the doors while you used your shoulder to barge it open. A few of the men were stood round a fire. They appeared to be gathering tools, it wasn't normal weapons this was chemicals and spare bits of metal as well as wires and broken computer screens. It was unlike anything you'd seen before.

"Hold it" Jin shouted, walking towards the gang of men slightly. Jin started his speech about requesting them to step down or we would have to use force yada yada. What wound you up was how political it all was now, how Woozi chose this approach but it was rubbish. You knew the response and you watched it unfold before your eyes. The tallest of the men laughed, "why would we do that?"
There it was. The reasoning was useless, there was never a time it had worked effectively. But yes, protocol was still protocol.
"I have my team surrounding you, it's your gravestone you're writing here"
I had my gun trained on the tall one that had this standoff with Jin. Any false moves and he was done.

"But that's where you're wrong"
A bang echoed round the place and Jin flinched back in pain. Somehow, he'd been shot in the arm. Your eyes frantically scanned the place for the source of the bullet but couldn't find anyone, not even a sniper. That's it.
Multiple members of your side shot at the men, a couple of them fell down but two of them had guns of their own and were firing back. Not as smooth as you had expected.
Felix was hiding behind cover with you and Yoongi, his hands a shaking mess once again.
"I shot one of them" his voice was low.
My voice on the other hand was quick as the situation needed to be dealt with, "it's natural, ok, shoot now, think later"
That's how a lot of people dealt with this job.

After what felt like a lifetime of shooting, the silence filled the room. Then came a sound you didn't want to hear... a gut-wrenching thud and gasp came from beside you. Your eyes trailed down to the source of the noise as you saw Felix hunched over. Yoongi had also noticed and had found the source of the shot, it was a drone, trained with ammo. He had shot it down while you focused on the younger boy beside you. A lot of blood was sleeping through his clothes and you tried not to panic but there was no way he would make it back. This was it for him.

"Felix, Felix, hey I'm here"
He tried gasping for air but nothing worked, the colour was fading from his cheeks and his skin.
"Hey Felix, we did it, ok, we won. There's no need to be scared anymore" You tried to comfort him with your words but even now his hands were shaking like a leaf in the wind.
"Thank- you" he managed to fight to speak his last words, "for believing in- me"
And that was it. His eyes stayed looking directly out, his whole body went floppy and everything went cold. The boy who shined so much and could light up a room was as cold as ice.

You weren't the one to carry him back, but you were the one to go straight to Woozi.
"Felix is dead"
It was hard to hold in what you had to say. The man in front of you still had a straight face and you couldn't bare it.
"Thank you for the report, you can go now"
You didn't move, and he took the hint.
"I said you can go Y/N, unless you want to say anything else"
Yes, you did.
"He should never have been recruited here, sir," a tone of spite building in your voice, "not because he's a bad recruit, he shot a guy perfectly despite a- despite a shaky hand but he was too good a person"
Woozi's face never changing from that plain look. Did he not care at all?
"And that's on your head" you spat out before storming off to where Yoongi was waiting for you.

Your boy had asked if everything was alright but your response was simple. The pair of you were engaged, had your own place, you'd both been through so much and now you had the perfect excuse to escape. Maybe you could live a better life where you don't watch innocent people die anymore, have anymore close connections that fade into oblivion. You didn't know about fighting it as Woozi was a big storm and nothing the pair of you could handle anymore. It may just be better if you and Yoongi disappeared from the company, from this line of work. You could live out a fantasy world of your creation, whatever makes you happy.
"Gigi, I think we need to leave"

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